Chapter 4

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1st December 2015. (Not long till Christmas!!)

Dear diary,
I went shopping with Tosh today to get Jack's Christmas present. Even though none of us are religious - how can you be, with a job like this - we still have a small present exchange each year. I settled on a personalised coffee mug which plays a recording of Astrid and I saying "Merry Christmas" whenever it's lifted. (NB: even though her calling Jack 'Dadda' is fine, I need to teach her not to call me "Mummy". Damn Jack's way of easily influencing children.) I also got my darling daughter a new book called "Dear Zoo"*. There are lots of animals to look at and flaps to lift, so I think she will love it.

In more important news, Jack has finally explained why I'm having the nightmares. Knowing doesn't make it any easier, but at least there's a half-comprehendable cause.
He is telepathic. If he is very close to someone, his mind "connects" with theirs.
However, if the other person does not have this ability (like me) then the thought transfer is one-way; from Jack's memory to mine. So, in this way, all of Jack's millenia of memories are being transferred into my head.
The short explanation:
I have developed PTSD from exposure to  Jack's memories.
This explains why it's worse when we're together, as the telepathic link grows stronger with proximity.

Tomorrow, we're heading to London to see if the Second Doctor and Rose can help. If nothing else, it'll be nice to see our old friends, even if they are civillians now.

If this doesn't stop soon, I think I'm going to go mad.

~ Ianto.

*One of my favourite books when I was a baby. :3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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