Chapter 3

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Finding the location of the place was easy enough. The address was located on the website. It had surprised Sungjae and Y/n that the lab was so close to Seoul - maybe an hour and a half away. There was even a bus that traveled to a small town near by. Deciding they would take the bus the two set a date and planned for their trip.

The Saturday morning, two weeks after they had located the Olympus lab, was when their plan took action. The two had met at the city centre bus station, Y/n preparing their round trip to Sunbaek as Sungjae didn't have money. He also knew his mother wouldn't exactly agree with them sneaking into a high tech, possibly classified laboratory owned by the people that took him for 5 years.

There were few people on the bus, and when it came to one stop from their destination it was just them and the bus driver. When they reached the end of the line, they stepped off into a ghost town. The buildings were old and traditional and it seemed like they had stepped into the far, far past.

"Are you sure we're in the right place?" Sungjae questioned looking around at the old main road. Y/n nodded as she pulled out her phone. There was no service however she had planned for this, downloading a map, though outdated, in advance. There was a track leading to where the facility was said to be, connected to the road the bus stop was on.

Before going any further she passed Sungjae a black face mask, as well as putting her own on. They couldn't risk their identity getting back into Olympus's hands.

With a confident stride, Y/n led the way towards the Olympus lab known as Acacia. As they got further and further away from Sunbaek the road was truly showing signs of how desolate the area was. Large plains of flat land, like what they saw in the picture on the Olympus website, stretched out either side of the roads. There was no farm land. Just a massive overgrown grass covered floodplain surrounded by high mountains.

The road soon turned to dust, no longer tarmac but a track of sandy, dry mud. And after about 20 minutes of walking they came upon a gate, heavily watched by cameras and covered in warning signs. But surprisingly the gate itself had been left wide open.

As Y/n went straight in, Sungjae hesitated slightly. He saw the camera and was unsure if they were on. But when he realised the cameras were indeed off he continued on with Y/n's pace.

The road had turned back to tarmac as they reached the car park of Acacia. The lab looked exactly like the picture however it was dirty, unkept. There were no lights coming from the inside, no cars in the parking lot. It looked abandoned.

With no signs of life, it set a nervous chill to run down Y/n's spine. They aren't going to be here. Just from the condition of the Acacia, the possibility of them being, of anyone being, here was slim. The two paused in front of the off-white building, looking over its dome-like structure. The water fountain next to the front door was off and covered in mould.

Y/n took a breath before she looked to Sungjae who was glancing around the premises. She looked to the door.

"You think it'll open?" Sungjae questioned, taking the first step forward.

"Only one way to find out," Y/n stated, going up to the doors and looking inside. Unfortunately, the grime covered windows didn't aid in seeing anything. Before she attempted to open the door, she pulled her backpack off her back, pulling out two flashlights. "Here," She said as she placed one in Sungjae's hands.

"I'm pretty sure this is illegal," Sungjae said as Y/n pushed on the door. It didn't budge the first time - the mould sealed the frame. She then repeated, this time with a bit more force and just like that... they were in.

The air was filled with dust and it was a good thing they were wearing face masks. Y/n turned on her flashlight with a click.

The building was eerily silent as they stepped inside. Their foots steps caused crackles on the unclean floor. The two separated as they searched the main lobby, however they stayed in sight of one another to ensure safety as well as comfort in this horror film set they had sought for.

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