Chapter 4

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After gathering all the photos of all the documents they could find, and double checking the areas they had visited, they left the facility, headed back along the dirt track. Their clothes were dusty and in an attempt to look presentable when they reached the family's household, they had tried to get as much of the dust off as they could. The masks came off so it didn't look like they were trying to rob the woman when they knocked on the door.

It was slightly terrifying walking around the deserted neighbourhood, but when an old man on a bike passed by they knew people did actually live here. On the street they made sure to have a plan on what to say. After all, how exactly were they supposed to just bring up someone's husband's job without even knowing the person.

Either way, at the gate to the household, Sungjae pressed the buzzer. They waited. On the plaque by there gate was the surname, 'Han' just as the scientists PC had said. It was a mortifying 10 seconds, until a lady's voice echoed through the intercom.

"Hello?" She questioned, her voice sounded young and fit the picture they had seen on the desk.

"Ah, hello Mrs Han," Y/n started, looking at Sungjae as he held up her phone with the notes she had written down. "I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions. You see, me and my friend here, we've been looking for some missing people and-"

"Certainly, I can help. Give me a second and I'll be at the gate," the moment Mrs Han said that, the two were flabbergasted. It's as if she knew what they were going to ask. This was actually happening. The small hope they had left had ignited, burning brighter in their hearts.

Within minutes, the woman had appeared at the gate, slightly older than the picture they had seen. She was middle aged, looking well. Her clothes had the impression of a typical Korean house wife.

"Come in," she smiled at the two of them. She was extremely friendly, leading the two to the traditional sitting room. She poured some herbal tea for the two before sitting down across from them.

"How can I help you two?" She questioned.

"Well you see," Y/n looked to Sungjae, before back to the lady realising he was leaving it all to her. "Our friends, a while back, they signed up for a program run by Olympus. Since then we've never seen them. And we heard from asking around, you're husband used to work there." The lie fell easily from Y/n's mouth, her mother's brilliant acting skills coming through.

"Ah," the woman seemed to pause. A look of reminiscent sadness coming across her face. "I do believe I can help."

The two waited as the lady took her time, lifting the tea cup to her lips. She took a sip before placing the cup down. "My husband," she smiled, "he moved to a new Olympus facility a few months ago. It's located somewhere in Seoul, I can't say where for sure. Classified, you see."

The two youngsters looked at each other at this news. A look of relief on their face. Then turned back to the lady.

"However, that program you speak of..." her face fell, her sweet voice turned bitter, "Project: Asteria. I'm afraid it no longer exists. After an incident, I myself don't know, it was called off as soon as it started. All the participants..." she seemed to take a moment to breathe, looking over at a picture of her daughter. "... they didn't make it."

"What?" Y/n was confused. "What do you mean?"

"Apparently, after the incident, the facility keeping the participants alive malfunctioned. The press didn't cover it since it would ruin Olympus's reputation, is what they told me," she solemnly spoke. "I only know because my daughter was one of the participants."

They could see the loss in her eyes. "I'm sorry you have to hear from me - only family's were told of the passing of the participants. Your friends... most likely aren't here anymore."

"Most likely?" Sungjae questioned. "There's a small possibility they're alive though, correct."

The woman fell silent. An unreadable expression on her face. She then got up from her seated position walking over to a box on one of the shelves. She dusted off the top, and passed the box to the two of them.

"I knew there was something odd the moment the facility called me." She stated, nodding her head as Y/n asked permission to open the box. Inside were pieces of paper, letters her daughter had been sending. "At first I was confused as to why I received a letter from my supposed dead daughter. I couldn't believe it but they were written in her hand writing. There was no denying that."

"I knew she couldn't have posted them. She stated in one of her letters they were being put through trials, being watched closely by what she called the GMs. I could only guess my husband was the one sending these letters for her." She looked at the two of them, a look of determination in her eyes, "you two. Please help save my daughter. I know they're alive. I just know it. I don't know how many but I'm sure most are. Maybe even your friends."

"So many people told me to let go, but I just can't," her eyes began to tear up.

Sungjae reaches into his pocket pulling out a pack of tissues, passing them to Mrs Han. She thanked him, clearing her throat with a sip of tea, before continuing.

"You can take the letters. I've read them so many times. Just bring them back when you're done," she said with a small smile. "I have faith you will find them."

"We'll try our best," Sungjae said. "Thank you for your help."

The couple stood, their tea finished and with new evidence to lead them down the bread crumb trail. Mrs Han saw them to the door, giving a hug to the both of them and wishing them luck. Along with her home number in case they needed to ask anything. And with that their journey continued on, back to Seoul.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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