Chapter 1

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Shika was extremely, seriously, and immensely bored. 

If they were going to save the world, okay, maybe not the world, but their town, shouldn't they be rushing to save them, instead of making a plan?

So maybe she wasn't bored, maybe she was just impatient.

It beats being my brother. Shika thought wryly. After Tadashi betrayed Ryū, Shika has noticed a change of behavior, he had gotten easily angry, and he talked about murder a lot. It was very concerning and kinda scary.

Not only that, but he began to lash out at others for no reason at all. Slightly after Tadashi's betrayal, Ryū and Ayame had a private discussion (one that she was not allowed to listen), and the next morning, Ayame had seemed to avoid him, and when they did speak, it seemed more like they were arguing. For a while, Shika thought this was totally normal, until Natsume told her that Ayame was probably the easiest to get along with, and that her brother probably went too far. 

That got Shika even more worried, but she was also concerned about how Ayame would react to her. Luckily, the older girl still was very friendly, minus the fact she tried to correct Shika's ideas, when they were totally 100% great ideas! If they were looking for Shadousutōkā's base, wouldn't it be in Hell? (And no, we're not calling Hell "heck" in this story). So shouldn't they just go jump off a cliff and die?

Okay, maybe she could see Ayame's reluctance. But to be fair, it would turn out totally OKAY.

Shika sighed in frustration. My ideas are amazing! We don't need to make any strategies or plans! Wait, those probably mean the same thing. 

"Are you okay?" Mizuki asked. 

"Yes, I'm fine," Shika replied. "I'm just bored." Which was mostly true.

"Sorry, about that. We'll be done in a few minutes," the older girl apologized.

Shika watched with interest as a Raiden kissed Mizuki on the cheek as they continued to discuss their plan.

By now our town could have been saved I bet. Shika thought, pacing back and forth.

"Come on, sis," Ryū called, jolting Shika out of her train of thoughts. "We're leaving."

We're wasting our time, making up plans. If they listen to me, they'll finally realize how stupid this all is and how right I am. Shika thought. We don't need a plan, we'll do just fine without one.

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