Chapter 11

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The figure reached for its goggles and pulled them off. Alisha stood in front of the pit, her eyes widening, and she rushed forward. He gawked at her as she rammed into him, and they both dropped to the ground in a tight embrace. Tom glanced down at her, and he watched as she looked wildly at the ground in a panic. She released him and bent down to pick up the goggles and the scarf, hastily fastening them on her face. Alisha backed away from Tom and placed her hands on his face. The goggles misted, and she rushed back at him again, letting out a sob.

"Alisha..." Tom whispered.

"I'm okay," she replied. "How are you even alive?"

"I woke up... in the lab," Tom said.

"Yeah, and the building collapsed. I went back after the bombs and-"

"Bombs?" Tom asked, staring in disbelief.

"Yes Tom, bombs. I'll fill you in, but we have to move. I had to knock out one of the speds, and the rest will probably follow."


"Come on!"

Alisha grabbed Tom's hand and ran into the bushes. It was surreal, running with another person. It had only been 10 days since he stumbled out of the pod, and he already forgot the feeling of having company.

He ran until the ground started to become less muddy and more barren. Rocks slanted over dry, withered grass that encompassed them until they could see nothing but their feet and the plains in front of them. Alisha planted her foot and panted, unclasping Tom's hand and doubling over in exhaustion.

"Okay, I think they are gone," Alisha gasped.

"Where are we?" Tom asked.

"Somewhere safe," Alisha said. "Okay, once we find a water source and some cover, I'll answer your questions. But, for now, don't runoff. Come on."

Tom followed behind Alisha into the plains, his hands streaking through the tall grass. It felt delicate to the touch, and he asked Alisha again.

"Where are we?" Tom questioned.

She turned her head, and she smiled through the scarf.


Alisha spotted a shallow pond a few hundred feet away, and it was surrounded by shrubs and short evergreens.

"That'll do. Let's go," Alisha exclaimed.

The pond was clear on their side, but there was algae built upon the bank. A flock of ducks rested at the shore, their beaks planted in the water.

"They're drinking the water," Tom said. "It's safe."

Tom found a log next to one of the taller trees, and he called Alisha over. She sat down, slowly, and faced him.

"Okay," she said, sliding closer to Tom. "Ask me stuff."

"What's a sped?" Tom inquired.

"People who steal stuff. Parts. They steal excess technology that wasn't already destroyed from the bombs," Alisha sighed. "They murder and cheat and steal. They shoot their mates if they fall out of line."

"I think I saw a few of them at the restaurant," Tom remembered. "I heard gunshots."

"Well, that's why I shot at you. It was dark, and you were sneaking around the fire pit like a madman." Alisha snickered, shoving Tom off the log. "You're lucky I'm a bad aim."

"What about the bombs?" Tom asked, grasping the log.

Alisha shifted uncomfortably.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"No, I have to," Alisha blurted. "That attack on the newspaper you picked up? It was by The United Hope Front. A doomsday terrorist group. They bombed New York a few months after you got in the pod.

"When I got out of the pod, the building wasn't fully collapsed." Tom recounted.

"I guess I got there late. Let's go get some water."

Alisha hurried down to the water and shook off her shoes. Tom lingered at the log, frozen in thought. He had the feeling that Alisha was hiding something.

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