Start From The Beginning

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"Dear Harry,
You lit up my world like nobody else.
Now your light is out. "

Hello there, my name is Theophania, but you can call me Theo or Tiffany. I'm 17 years old and I know you want me to scurry along to the good parts of my story, but first I must start from the beginning.

Some time in April my parents had sex. Forty weeks and five days later I came squalling into the world, already fed up with my life. I then proceeded to grow up in a...less than normal environment. You see dear reader, my parents are scientists. More specifically mad scientist. Some have even gone as far as to call them evil. Now I don't necessarily consider them evil, maybe lost, tunnel visioned, and constantly on their quest for the unusual. Not evil. Though I never learned where all those body parts in the refrigerator came from........
  Being the child of such people naturally made me the perfect candidate to aid in their investigations.  At age two I was given a sickly concoction to help my severe lack of coordination. It failed in it's original purpose, but did give me extraordinarily
good hearing.  At age four I was forced to consume a greenish mix that was intended to increase my intelligence. It didn't. But I did grow 4 feet over 2 weeks.  At age five I was given a younger brother, upon which I could immediately tell had a love of all things violent. It wasn't very hard to notice considering that no less than 5 minutes after his birth he began to reach very intensely for the tray of scalpels. Not one hour later as my mother held him, he attempted to wrap his tiny hands around her neck.
   Clearly my family is not very functional, but we managed pretty acceptably. That is until my sleepwalking mother shoved me into a wormhole of her own creation.
*Still Editing*
I swear I only changed a few things in here, and I had to read practically everything I wrote to remember what the "Dear Harry" part was about. Why was I not in therapy?

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