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Wow.....only in America!! You will not believe what just happened! I walked into  Dunkin' Donuts to grab a  doughnut and pay for my gas. When I walked up I noticed two deputies watching a woman who was smoking while pumping gas! . I saw her and thought, "Is she stupid?!! With the County deputies right there?!" I went in and as I was checking out, I heard someone screaming. I looked outside and the woman's arm was on fire! . She was swinging her arm and running around going crazy! I ran outside and the Deputies had put her on the ground and were putting the fire out with their coffee!! YES, THEIR COFFEE!! ...Then they put handcuffs on her and threw her in the backseat of the deputy SUV.. I was thinking "OMG!! Sooooo dumb smoking while pumping!!" But being the nosey person that I am, I asked the cops what they were arresting her for. The one cop looked me dead in my eyes and said ... "WAVING A FIREARM!"

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