Thank you for the venom

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Franks pov
Gerard slips the ring on my finger and I start to cry just of shear happiness Nd fullness no one in the world could be as happy as I am. Im sure no news could make me unhappy
We walk hand in hand into the hospital and they take a look at gees hand (after we waited for an hour and a half in the emergency room) they said it would walk ur okay but to wrap it an put some cream (prescribed) on it he then checked gees vitals. Blood pressure and breathing ect. He went off in a hurry
Without a word, just a low gasp he wa gone. That's when I first saw it "the face" the "I'm so sorry" face, the "I don't know how to tell you" face. The face I grew to hate.
"Gerard we need to get you to cancer out patients screening, I found something unusual in your breathing patterns and based on the fact that you smoke I took the liberty of testing your blood. We found cancer cells in your blood. We need to get you a scan now."
I don't really know how we got to his hospital room but we did the doctors were talking to gee but to me it was all a blur I sat in the chair and that was it. I broke into pieces ...

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