Now turn away 'coz im awful just to see

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Franks pov
Gerard looks bad ... Still attractive but bad ... His lips are pale his eyes seem almost lifeless this is all happening to fast, I know he's in pain even though he won't show it. I hate seeing him like this I wish I could make him feel better no Frank you can't hospital ! Remember ? No just forget about it I start to cry I'm losing my husband ...

Gerard pov
It's now been just over a month of this now chemo every 2 weeks and pain. Just undeniable pain. I slowly and painfully turn to face Frank who is sitting in the chair he's crying again the black eyeliner running down his face I call him over and he moves over "baby wipe of that make up" I say my thumb rubbing just below his eye he goes into the bath room. I pull out my lyric book "frankie can you look at this album I've written 12 songs for a new concept album ... It's called "the black parade""
He walk over and takes the note pad he looks through all the songs and stops at the page with just a title "cancer" he sighs and looks up at me "no lyrics ?" He asks I shake my head "I have some ideas but no not yet, I spoke to the doctor I can come home to try and record some. But only for a few hours. Baby, I really wanna do this. Before I ... You know." He looks up at me and smiles a frankie iero (my phone changed iero to all capitals ? Wtf )grin and I hug him "of course gee we can set it up we can record vocals first if you'd like, that way it's done" I Nod usually this wouldn't work but I know exactly how I know exactly how I want each song to sound. "Thank you baby. Come lay with me I'm really cold" he slips of his shoes and his jeans and slides in next to me his head in the crook of my neck. I wrap my arms around him so there is no gap between us. My heart starts to beat faster. It's been almost 2 months since we've done anything ! I kiss him and he kisses me back with passion "baby we really shouldn't," he says but he climbs on top of me anyway he pulls on my hair and I take his shirt off, well rip would be more appropriate since he can never wear that shirt again. He starts kiss me again and I flip us over so I'm on top "baby I love you so much ... " I say he smiles and whispers "baby shut up, or this time... I will sneeze" I laugh and we get back into it I turn around so I'm sat on his lap we pull down our boxers "yes ... Yes" he moans as he goes inside me I move with him making him moan even more
3rd person ~~~
As Frank moves inside gerard his head rolls back as he moan "yes gerard" they keep going the tension rising. It almost felt "naughty" they are in a hospital yet hell, they love each other. AsFrank reaches his climax Gerard starts to move faster and Franck just lays on the bed letting gee do all the work. Then he finishes and gee flips him over. " my turn frankie" he says with a smirk.
Haha side note I forgot to put this in but this chapter is dedicated to AndoraFort yah just yeah sorry

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