Sixteen|| Christmas

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A/N: It's been a really long time since I published anything. Thank you for your patience and your love. Here's chapter sixteen.


"Incoming!" Jared entered my pad, carrying a bottle of soda, dressed in an Olaf onesie for everyone else's amusement. Tay came in behind him, carrying a bag of presents hidden beneath green tissue paper.

"Are these all for me?" Oliver asked playfully, and Tay punched his shoulder lightly, grinning up at him. The two had become best friends since they'd first met, and nothing made me happier. I was glad that he'd made his own friend, but they were still part of our family. I was glad that he'd made friends with a mated female, and someone who would be a great person to him.

"Thank you," I said to my Beta, grabbing the soda from him and walking into the kitchen, putting it on the counter.

"Hey boss," Jared's voice made me turn towards him, and he surprised me by wrapping me in a hug and kissing my cheek. "Merry Christmas, Bex." he said softly into my ear, and I was surprised by the genuine love in his eyes. My playful Beta was a little too serious for my taste- but right now it was actually a bit nice.

"Merry Christmas Jared." I replied, hugging him back.

"Knock knock!" Renee sang, coming into the kitchen with a box of cookies she'd made herself.

"Gingerbread?" I asked hopefully, and she grinned.

"I even threw in some sugar cookies for you too," she poked Jared's cheek playfully, and he pumped his fist.

"Yes!" He quickly grabbed the container and started to pry it open, hoping for a cookie.

"No!" I smacked his hand away while Renee snatched the container back. "There's a veggie tray on the counter, go snack on that." Renee ordered, pointing at the open veggie tray.

"I come bearing gifts!" Kent announced, walking into the living room, holding a large, wrapped object in his hands.

Daisy, Jack and Hazel ran right up to him, hugging him and chattering excitedly as he set it on the small coffee table in the living room where the rest of the presents were.

"Can we open it now?" Jack asked excitedly.

"No," Kent shook his head, grabbing Jack and picking him up. My friend had managed to cut back his drinking and see a counselor about his guilt over the last month, and he was doing much better.

"I just got off the phone with Sarge." Oliver entered the kitchen, his phone in hand. We all looked at him with hope in our eyes, but he shook his head. "He can't make it tonight. Sorry guys," he added to the three kids, who all wore identical expressions filled with crushed disappointment.

"Hey guys, it's okay! You've got Kent! He's bald enough!" Jared announced playfully, and Kent threw a pillow at him. This made the kids giggle a bit.

"Hello?" Olivia walked in, shrugging off her thick coat and hanging it on the new coat hanger Oliver had installed in the front hall last week.

With the war moving slowly, we all had tried our best to continue living our lives. Oliver had been doing little odd jobs around the pad to try to make it more like a home instead of the bachelor pad I'd had it as.

Olivia walked up to me and hugged me, kissing my cheek. "Hey," she greeted. She held up a bottle of wine. "I've had this stowed away for a while. Figured I could crack it out."

"Ooh," Tay took the bottle from her, reading the label with interest. "Yes ma'am, thank you," she walked off, and Jared and Oliver shook their heads in protest.

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