Chapter 4

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I'm just going to apologize for this chapter now, still hope you enjoy!

Gray woke up to a pounding headache, he remembers all those shots Cana had goaded him into taking and instantly regrets last night's stupidity. He hears a groan from beside him and gazes down at Nastu, his lover was nuzzling into his neck. "explains the heat," gray mumbles throwing the covers off himself. The need for a cold glass of water was strong but the bigger need to let himself be engulfed by Natsus comforting heat took over as he leaned back down and kissed the salmon-haired boy's head.

Warm lips graze his exposed collarbone in response and he finds a smile pulling at the corners of his lips. Just how much of an effect did the dragon slayer have over him? gray was excited to learn about it as the two walked towards the future together. They have been there for each other through thick and thin, fought together, and against each other, but the bond forged through all their shared hardships will last an eternity. Even if neither of them lives forever, he was sure their feats made out of love will.

Another grumble vibrated across his skin as he felt the strong nose caress over his skin, sniffing in all that gray was. Lips then followed, heated kissed trailing up his neck and jaw before Nastu sealed his lips in a short, passionate kiss. "morning, snowflake."

His voice came out gravelly, probably from all of the yelling last night. "morning," gray replied finally taking in his surroundings. He had thought that they made it home, he remembered getting drunk and a guild fight starting. He vaguely remembered Lyon fighting at his side, Juvia showing up and... "oh no!" gray shot out of bed leading to Nastu unceremoniously getting knocked off and landing on the floor with a loud thud.

Natsu never got a chance to curse his mate out before gray fled the room quickly, Nastu on his heels. He stopped to stare at the creature that was his mate, the raven hair, the alabaster skin, the eyes that never seem to show anything besides prideful determination, all of this was his and only his. Natsu was a dragon slayer, he was raised by the dragon king Igneel, and as such, he developed a few traits that his father possessed. One of which is hoarding, he was never one to like sharing his belongings. It's why nobody besides his closest friends who at least knew not to touch his collection was ever to his house.

He watched gray talk to Mira, who was working the bar. And he figured it was probably about Juvia and Lyon. A fight broke out in fairy tail, not much of a surprise there if he's being honest but when Juvia arrived. He can feel his fists clench just remembering her clinging onto grays bare arm, marking him with her smell, defiling all the work he went through to cover the ice-mage in his own scent. He may have over-reacted but he did give everyone a fair warning not to touch gray... touching was somewhat okay, as long as it wasn't seen as romantic. When Lucy dragged gray by the hand last night, Nastu felt no need to separate the two. He felt secure that the two would never betray him and knowing that Lucy smelled like a certain lion helped some. It seems the spirit won't cause too much fuss anymore, something he is truly happy about. While he kept thinking, a blue-haired cat suddenly popped into his mind. "happy!" he cried and grays attention immediately snapped to Nastu.

The raven-haired mage watched as his lover began to look around frantically. He grabbed Natsu's hand to comfort him and calmly told him where to find his feline friend only to watch him run out of the guildhall to find him. "so, this is happening?" Mira giggled out and gray felt his face flush a painful red as he nodded. Not much was said afterward as he too walked out of the guild and towards his house. The two people he needed to speak to were most likely there. Unfortunately, they both had a tendency to just invite themselves into his locked house so often that he just opted to leave it open. Not like he can't defend himself anyways, he now also has a guard dragon. Nothing could go wrong... oh, how mistaken he was!

"not there~" he heard a feminine hum as a husky voice chuckled before he found his face redder than erza's scarlet locks and his hands covering shocked eyes. Juvia was on his couch with barely any clothed covering her and Lyon who had lost his shirt was seated with his head between her thighs. "what the hell! Holy Mavis! Just what are you doing?!" he cried out and everything froze. He heard shuffling as discarded clothes were being hurriedly thrown on.

He waited ten more minutes before even daring to uncover his eyes, there on the couch he was no longer going to use sat Lyon and Juvia, both looking flush as their stares aimed towards the floor in shame. "now," gray started in a calm but flustered tone, "while I'm glad you two got together an all, but why my house... couldn't you have, ya know, gone to hers!"

They continued to look ashamed as gray complained about how they ruined his previously perfectly fine couch, "hope you know I had owned that couch since I moved here."

It didn't take long for the apologies and their quick departure, gray was disgusted in himself about knowing why they had fled so fast. He chose to ignore those unsavory thoughts as he walked to his kitchen and looking to see what food remained after having a dragon slayer at his house two nights in a row. Gray was surprised to find most of his food left intact and decided to make grilled fish, it was an apology for stealing Nastu away from happy the last few days. While he cooked, he found himself humming a song that his mother used to sing to him often 'snow fairy' if he remembers the name correctly. 

well, Juvia and Lyon, they need to learn to respect others couched lol. and I fell in love with Amanda Lee's cover of snow fairy, if I find myself struggling I play that and I get all the feels. thanks for the kudos and I hope you liked the new chapter! till next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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