Everyone knew her, somehow. Whether it was by the girl in the back, Yoongi's friend, or, simply, her. Few actually remembered her name. But she never expected much more from them. It was always like that.

But, i guess you could say now, she could be known as Yoongis former friend or really, no one at all. She wasn't someone. She was a disappointment. She caused harm no matter where she went, and she knew that. That's why she never planned on getting friends. She would let them down from the expectations they held of her and leave. They always leave in the end, hell, you cant spell friend with out "end". They'd be happier without her disrupting their lives. She wouldn't have to depend on anyone, not again, at least. She used to depend on her parents, but they left her too.

She never planned on being friends with Yoongi. She knew it would end roughly, just as it had, eventually. But, he was so persistent, so nice, in the beginning. She grew attached. She grew dependent. She needed him, and she thought he needed her too.

He left her standing in her own living room, tears progressively rolling down her cheeks.

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