Chapter 5: Soar

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~(Y/N) P.O.V.~

I groggily opened my eyes to credits rolling on the screen of the television. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before taking in my surroundings. Beetlejuice had his head propped up by his hand and was asleep, slightly snoring. I smiled slightly at the sleeping demon, who looked completely harmless at the moment. I grabbed my phone off of the coffee table to look at the time.
7:34 p.m.

Wow, I slept longer than I thought. I got home around 3:30.

The snacks on the coffee table were almost gone, a couple of cookies and chips were left. I picked up the bowls and plates and carried them into the kitchen to put them away. I leaned against the counter and sighed, hearing my stomach complain about not having dinner. Searching through the fridge, I found a yogurt cup to eat. I sat in one of the chairs at the bar and started eating, I was hungier than I thought. A small grunt came from the living room and I turned my head to see a sleepy demon squinting at me.

"Well good morning Beej," I said with a little giggle.

He replied with a slow blink before standing up and stretching his arms.

"Hi, babes," he groaned as he floated over to me.

"How are you this fine evening?" I asked in a funny accent.

"Marvelous, my dear," he said in the same accent before grabbing my hand and kissing it.

I pulled my hand away and made a gross face.

"Ew, now I have whatever cooties you have!" I said as I fake gagged.

Beetlejuice looked down at me, a slight amount of hurt showing in his face.

"Beej, I was kidding," I said with a sincere smile, "I've been kissed by grosser things."

He stopped floating and stood in front of me with a look of shock.

"Really? What is grosser than the ghost with the most?" He said while gesturing to himself.

"Well, an old guy in the Denny's parking lot kissed me and tried to kidnap me when I was seven, so him."

Beetlejuice's eyes got wide and his mouth opened a little.

"Damn, really?" He asked in a soft tone.

"Yeah. I'm fine, my dad beat the shit out of the guy and he got arrested. That guy was way grosser than you," I said as I poked Beetlejuice's rib, "But, you are still the ghost with the most in my book."

Beetlejuice's hair turned a bubblegum pink and his cheeks deepened in their green coloring. I giggled at his unique way of blushing before he made a paper bag appear over his head with two eyeholes cut out.

"Don't laugh at me!" He said as he crossed his arms, "It's not funny that I wear my emotions in my hair!"

I pulled the bag off of his head and shook my head at him with a smile.

"Beej, you don't gotta hide, I like your hair!" I said as I ran my fingers through his messy hair.

It was very soft, which caught me by surprise. I was expecting it to be greasy and stiff. His hair was almost glowing pink by that point, his cheeks a forest green as he watched me stare at his hair in wonder. As soon as I scratched the top of his head, Beetlejuice's eyes roll into the back of his head and starts to fall forward.

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