Chapter 16: Realization

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~(Y/N) P.OV.~

The darkness of my room engulfed me into a cold, hard embrace. Extreme discomfort filled my body as I shifted to my other side to face the wall. It felt like that night was happening all over again. It was currently 3:14 in the morning, and I had woken up because of a nightmare for the 4th time this week. I kept having dreams of my family being tortured by that monster. I could hear their screams and begging, and I couldn't stop it. I knew it was after me again. Maybe it had my family too. My heart jumped and my body turned to ice when I heard a creak from behind me. I silently began to beg for mercy.

"I know you're awake," I heard the scratchy, deathly voice say behind me.

A single tear rolled down my cheek before I was ripped from my sheets and held up into the air by it's jagged nails.

"No one can save you now," It's voice dragged out in a malicious tone.

"Let go!" I screamed as I helplessly flailed in the air.

I whimpered in pain as the thing dug its nails deeper into my skin.

"You won't see the light again this time," it's chuckle echoed through my mind.

A deep rage filled me, its flame spreading throughout my veins like acid.

"I said LET GO!" I screamed.

I kicked the monster directly in the ribs and slipped out of its claws.

"So you've gotten stronger I see," it said harshly.

I ducked as the thing lunged for me, barely escaping its grasp again. I can't fend for myself for long, I thought as a million different situations ran through my head, and half of them leading to a certain death. I knew there was only one person I could rely on, no matter how angry I was with him.

"Beetlejuice!" I yelled quickly and prayed he'd appear.

To my relief I saw a puff of smoke through the dark. I hope he'll help me.

"What the hell do you want?" His raspy voice spat.

"Help m-"

I was slammed against the wall for the second time that night and had the air knocked out of me by the blow. The thing had a tight grip around my throat, and everything began to grow even darker. Tears slid down my cheeks as I realized the worst reality. He won't help me.

I heard faint yelling before I felt a release of pressure and I fell to the floor. My lungs inflated for the first time in a brief eternity, and my throat burned from the rush of air. My ears were ringing, and my body felt like it was on fire. I could see shadows rustling around my room, but I couldn't tell what was happening.
I turned my head to the ceiling and stared upward in a loopy daze.

After an eternity, a hand grabbed my shoulder and shook it, and I could hear a faint voice. My head rolled to the side, and I could see the silhouette of Beetlejuice crouched next to me. My ears started to pick up what he was saying.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay? God dammit I'm so sorry I knew I couldn't leave you by yourself," His voice cracked and regret laced his words.

All I could do was stare at his shadow, my body was frozen in place from shock. He picked my body up and held me tight in his arms as he buried his face into my shoulder.

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