The First Act (Pt.2)

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OCs
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I can't believe 111 people have seen this story! Thank you all for the 8 votes and 3 comments too!

Ezra's POV

When I arrived at the city, I had to dodge a patrol of Stormtroopers before I could start to make my way to the black market part of the city. This part of town was any favorite for many reasons

1. It was a place where Anyone and Everyone was anonymous. No questions, no names.

2. Supplies. You could find whatever you needed there, usually at a fair price.

3. It's a work of genius. Hidden in plain site, the market resides above and below a bar. Legally, it's listed as a club, but anyone who's on the other side of the law knows.

    This place was perfect for people like me: street rats, on the run, short on money.

    I duck into the 'club' and my first stop is the bar. I don't drink (often), and I'm on here for some info. The bar's run by an old Troglof who knows how to make a good drink. 

"Hey, Auryin, how're you doing? Got anything for me?"

"| 卄卂ᐯ乇  乇乂卩ㄥㄖ丂|ᐯ乇 卩卂| 几ㄒ.''

"You have detonate paint for me!?! This is why your my favorite!"

    He tells me when and where to pick the paint up, and I head upstairs to find the other things I need.

Upstairs is chaos. Pure, undiluted chaos. While some might shrink form the dark lighting and loud techno music, I revel in it. I know most dealers by name, and call out my hellos to them.

"Hey, how you doing Fanto?"

"Longtime no see Beretta!"

"Good to see you again €$¥~£%£!"

"Jabba, over here! Ihave some new detonators you might want!"

   Jabba is the name I go by, and while most everyone knows it's fake, people still are respectful enough to use it. I head over to €ranshom's booth where he's selling a wide range of detonators.

"Just the guy I was looking for! Hey €ranshom, do you happen to have any smoke or pulse detonators? Or maybe a Virus droid?"

"As it so happens Jabba, I do! I have a crate of P.D. and about 10 S.D. I don't have the virus droids, but 1283730 does."

We haggle over the price of 6 S.D. And 7 P.D. I end up losing most of my credits but it's worth it, and I should have just enough to by 3 virus droids.

    Before I leave, €ranshom gives me a word of warning.

"Jabba, I don't know what you have planned, but be careful. You're still young."

    I nod my thanks and leave to find 1283730. I ask around, and find out they do their trading in one of the back booths. I make my way over, and see that he's a a cross between a bounty and a protocol droid. It makes for an interesting, but kinda badass combo.

    I stroll up to his booth and wait for another potential buyer to finish asking about the droid's wares.

"𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝔻𝕠 𝕐𝕠𝕦 ℝ𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕣𝕖?''

"Would you happen to have any Virus Droids as a good price? I need 3 of 'em," I ask. He bends over and picks up a box of what I assume are the droids, and he picks out 3 of them.

"𝟞𝟘 ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝔼𝕒𝕔𝕙."

    Thats actually a decent price, and I take it. Handing over my credits, I take my new droids and get the out of there. The club is usually safe from troopers, but I don't want to take any chances.

    When I'm halfway down the street, I  see 4 Stormtroopers wall into the 'club'. Guess I made it out just in time.

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