Ooarai Stands Strong

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Miho POV

Maho and Erika are here at Oorai with me. It both makes me happy yet hurts. They gave up a chance to setting a major record, and went and blew it. Yet I'm happy to be back together with my sister and good friend. Well, granted she still doesn't hate me for leaving Kuromorimine three years ago.


It was my fault we lost the finals match to Pravda. I'm not worried about mom, she had her talk with me, I'm worried about the talk I'm going to have with Maho. I bury my face in my pillow, and softly cry. After a good ten minutes of me crying I hear a knock on the door of me and Maho's bedroom door. I walk over and peek out the door without fully opening it. I can see Maho and Erika, and a hint of fear goes over my face.

"Oh look here, the mistake of a commander." Erika remarks, and instantly makes me slam the door shut and go back to my bed and cry some more into my pillow. After about five minutes I head the door softly open then close. Before hand I did hear a bang sound but didn't know what it was. I glance over from my pillow and see Maho, and face away from her.

"Miho, look at me." She says to me, resulting in me shaking my head.

"Miho please." I finally do after she asks again.

"What?" I ask her, my voice quivering with a mix of fear and sadness.

"Tell me what's wrong. I won't yell at you, I know mom has done that already." She tells me.

"I ruined the record, I abandoned my post as commander of the flag tank, and I shouldnt have. I'm such a screw up..." I go back to my pillow. Not even five seconds pass before Maho's arms pick me up and pull me into a tight embrace.

"You aren't a screw up. Matter a fact, if I were in your place I would've done the same thing. To me you are the bravest person on this team." She explains to me.

"I'm not on the team anymore..." I tell her, and it was true.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"I'm transferring, and I'm quitting Sensha-do." I tell her, I can't handle this anymore. Her arms hold me tighter, and I suddenly wrap my arms around her. I don't want to leave here, but I can't take our mother anymore. She pushes too hard to get the best of her needs in Sensha-do, and it stressed my team out. They all knew if our tank was hit enough or hard enough, we were screwed. And because I abandoned them, they panicked. Pravda requested me to join them, as they are more relaxed, but I kindly declined as I wanted a school without Sensha-do.

End flashback

I obviously didn't end up at a school without Sensha-do, but I guess it's for the better that I stayed with it.

Maho Flashback

I was sitting outside my mothers office, when Erika opened the door and told me to come in, so I did and sat down, Erika standing behind me.

"You told me she was going to be able to handle herself. That she was ready." My mother said to me.

"Well guess I was wrong, mother." I say.

"You guess? Your wrong guess just cost us a record! What will that do for the Nishizumi name? My name?"

"She screwed up, that simple! It was a damn accident!"

"How dare you speak to me that way? I'm your mother!"

"Because, she is a child, and you are getting mad at her for a simple accident!" I exclaim.

"Get out of my office, I have no need for you right now." She tells me.

"Don't have to tell me twice." I mutter as I leave, and Erika follows me to me and Miho's room. We walk in to the entry space and I knock on the door and Miho peeks out. Before I can speak Erika says something.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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