Coffee Grounds.

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You like your coffee like you like your men, 90% organic  bullshit and 10% caffeine  functioning.
You've used "self  pressed", machine boil, screaming kettle,
Yet you never cleaned the grounds you left in, you always said  "I'll change it later" but the filter was always settled in the cup for days, like a couch friend that  promised they'd  help pay the rent.
You used to stick to the same cup everyday, but suddenly as if you had woken up on the left side and never again on the right side of the bed you stopped drinking from your favorite  cup.
Sometimes the cup of hot brew would sit there all morning growing cold, grounds would be piled on old slush from days prior ,  there was no longer a fresh roast brew.
You eventually  stopped using coffee grounds ,
And started buying cups, the ones without fancy lables.
The cups that said "Coffee" in Plain bold,

I wish you would take the old machine out from your cupboards - where it was stashed and collected dust and longing.
change the molded filter,
And make a damn cup of joe.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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