don't think they know

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After we had fled the scene from getting caught no one, and I say no one would've thought that Tus would be the first to be scolded from the group. Ayanna and Leina were naming possible outcomes of how this situation could've turned out and Jara was sitting behind them glaring at Tus.

''We could've gotten captured because of you! You can't just act recklessly because a child is in danger,'' Ayanna shouts at Tus with all her power in her voice. Tus whimpers from her outburst and starts to cover herself with her hands.

''Those males could've killed us or even sold us out to a dangerous pack, you need to be more careful!''Leina says, anger evident in her voice.

She looks at Leina but she just shakes her head. She doesn't have anything left to say, plus that'll be mean if she added fuel to the fire. They were surprised that she jumped out and attacked the leopard in the first place, she was someone who used her brain but sometimes she didn't know when to use it.

Tus uncovers her eyes and speaks.

''The leopard had hunger in its eyes, I couldn't just let the girl get eaten in front of me. Any one of us could've done it so I did it, I saved her,'' She says in a bitter voice.

''Yeah you saved her and nearly put us in danger,'' Ayanna yells back, ''Think about your pack first before some idiot roaming our territory,''

''Don't act like I was the only one who did something stupid, what about Jara? She left us, she went somewhere else.''

''First of all, If I didn't go to where I went we all would've been dead,'' Jara sighs, ''I smelt another wolf close by so I went trailing the smell but their smell was everywhere, It was everywhere I turned besides south, where we came in from. When I didn't find anything I came back and saw that you had already attacked something but I didn't expect it to be a leopard let alone having company watch us,''

The girls fell silent and looked at Jara like a crazy person.

''You're saying that we weren't the only wolves in the woods?'' Jara nods her head.

bts pov

''You're saying that we weren't the only wolves in the woods?'' Yoongi nods his head.

He had explained what they saw to the other 4 of the boys, they were left shaken.

''That means we're not the only wolves in Ouverton then right? Did you get their gender? Were they ugly? Were they big?'' Jungkook asks in desperation, he was jittery but not his hyungs.

Jin slapped his hand over Jungkook's mouth making him poke his tongue out and lick Jin's finger. ''Ew you idiot,'' Moving his hand back.

''Yes, we're not the only werewolves, anymore. No, we didn't get their gender and the other two questions I'll leave up to your imagination,'' Yoongi says. Jungkook rests his back on the cold grass behind him, smiling up to the half-crescent moon.

''Why are you so happy? They could be dangerous and you'll still be like ''Yes please, handle me however you like,'' '' Jimin slaps Jungkook's chest. He too was someone who was easily frightened, he and Hoseok got along very well.

This had made the boys confused, they knew that Ouverton had a few werewolves but they knew all of them. It was strange hearing Yoongi explaining that he saw wolves that he didn't know, that they didn't know.

''Well, what are we gonna do about it?'' Taehyung asks half asleep, wanting this conversation to be over already.

''Either we let them stay here and extend their stay, we find out who they are, probably negotiate or we kill them,'' Namjoon says but already knowing their answer.

''Kill them,'' BTS said in unison with smirks plastered on their faces.

no ones pov - girls

The girls have been feeling anxious for the past few days since the encounter happened. School has added to their anxiety due to all the school work that has been poured onto them. They walk lazily around the school not sharing a word with each other, scared that they might say the wrong thing at the wrong time and accidentally let someone hear.

''Can someone talk, this quietness is killing me'' Leina says annoyed sitting down at a table on the rooftop

''I can't, all of a sudden I feel that everyone is listening to what we're saying,'' Tus says burying her head in her bag. Leina looks around noticing that no one isn't even here to be paying even a bit of interest in what they're saying giving Tus that 'bruh' look.

''Ngaw pleaaseee, I'm dying and none of you guys care,'' She says looking around seeing that the girls are buried into their phones.

''Sorry, what was that?'' Ayanna looks up at her.

''Forget it,'' Leina says rolling her eyes.

meanwhile bts pov

The boys received their food from the cafeteria and left for the secret courtyard they had made. No other place at school allows them to feel safe and settled.

''Are you even sure we're gonna find them here?'' Taehyung asks Namjoon.

''Yes, their wolf looked young like ours, definitely not old enough to stay at home, their alphas would lose their shit if they found out their younger wolves had been killed or something along those lines,'' Namjoon says.

''They would definitely lose their shit when they found out we killed them here at school,'' Hoseok says.

''They wouldn't know that if no one says anything though,'' Jin says.

''True,'' The rest of the boys says.

The boys do not have a good enough reason for reacting in a way that involves killing, but growing up in a pack that is the strongest and has connections with all the wolves in town then all of a sudden 4 new wolves appear out of nowhere are in their territory, of course, they're bound to become territorial.

They were bought up with pain and hatred surrounding them so being 'tough' has been their motto all their lives. Especially for those who ran away from their previous packs due to people being too possessive over status.

''Well we're safe here anyway, I'm pretty sure whoever's out there can't smell us from here since we're just so far away,'' Hoseok says taking his ring off that was irritating his skin.

''Wait NO!''

jara pov

The three girls were complaining about which restaurant to go to after school but I couldn't care less, just at least as it's rice and cheese then I have no worries. Then all of a sudden...

''Guys, I can smell it again,'' She says standing up and leaning of the edge of the building.

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