The Sheisty Rev. Gaines.

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A few (agonizing) days later...

"That's everybody," I stated, glancing over my list. Mommy was coming, Isaiah and his girlfriend were coming, I got Mommy's younger brother and his three sons to come, Paris and her dad were coming, Paris' grandparents were showing up, and her aunt was coming. The thought of us all getting together made me giddy on the inside ; it'd be just like old times, or maybe even better since we seem to have gotten all of our uncontrollable animosity towards one another out of the way. Last family reunion made sure of that.

Joy kicked off her grimy work boots, wiped her hands on her flannel shirt and gently slid the notebook to the end of the bed, where she stood and checked it twice. "Not quite. You're missing someone. Someone really important to you." When I gave her a blank stare, she opened her eyes wide at me. "I'm legit surprised that you missed this person."


"Your dad? The man that gave you life?"

I froze. How could I have forgotten to ask Dad, of all people? He was one of the people who meant the most to me. "Oh, shit..."

"Oh shit is right, Ivory."


Isaac Gaines.

"Romans 1:22 said-" My cellular phone started ringing inside my pocket, and the people attending tonight's Bible study stared at me. Probably because they were shocked that I had forgotten to put it on silent, but what can I say? Preachers make mistakes, too. "Excuse me, I'll be just a second." I hoped the call was important, otherwise I'd send it to voicemail and go about with my day.

"Hey, Daddy, it's me, Ivory!"

"Ivory?" I repeated.


"I'm not a 'yeah', I'm a 'yes sir'. You never get too old to respect your parents, baby."

"Yes sir," she repeated. "Um, I'm almost positive that this is a bad time, but could you step out of whatever's going on? I need to ask you something."

"Sure." I held my phone to my chest, and nodded towards my congregation. "Excuse me, y'all. It's Ivory." They all knew about my family, and most had taken turns babysitting Ivory and Isaiah in their childhood, so they understood. "This won't take long."

As soon as I stepped out of sight, my mind started racing at all the possible things that could've been wrong with her. Had she continued living that toxic lifestyle, and was she being harrassed by it? No, it couldn't be. The last time I saw her, she was dating a nice young man. Young man. Wait a second... "Ivory Ayanna Gaines, you better not be pregnant and unmarried."

She hesitated for a second. Too long for my liking, but I let her speak for herself. "Noooo, Daddy. It's... it's not even like that." She sighed. "It's nothing bad, I promise. In fact, I think it's good and I think you'll like it."


"Well, Dad, this year I got the whole family together in some ski resort for the week of Christmas. Paris n'em are coming, I got Isaiah and of Uncle Lon's kids, plus Uncle Lon, I got myself coming and my friend Joy, and a whole lot more people. But no matter how many people I invite, it won't feel complete without you there, Dad. So can you come?"

Without a moment's hesitation, I replied. "Yes. Anything to see my family." I held family at the top of my priority list, and I always made sure everyone I cared for was doing okay. Even kept tabs on Kimberly through our son to make sure his mama was doing okay, though she had proven time and time again that she could handle herself with or without me.

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