Chapter 2 : The Desert Tyrant

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The others went to check. Badang felt ashamed with what he saw while Natalia quickly covered her eyes. Hanabi and Selena laughed upon seeing the surprise in Lancelot's face while Alucard firmly hold onto the knight's slender waist and continued pounding.

Lancelot was about to pull away from Alucard but the lightborn didn't stop and quickly asked everyone to move away and give them a minute. They all moved from a distance and the three women bursted in laughter while Natalia and Badang looked away in dismay.

Minutes after, Alucard moaned so loud. The two came out, all dressed up as if nothing happened.

"you guys good?" Karrie asked, still laughing

"oh! that was heaven ... so what do we have here?" Alucard said with a smile

"a gust of wind is coming from below, it's filled with dark magic. We came here to check" Hanabi said

"I don't think whatever is down there would still surprise me .... man! Alucard. what was that?!" Badang asked

"Hahahaha ... man, let's check this one out first then I'll tell you a story" Alucard responded

Natalia turned to Lancelot and gave him a sharp stare . She then started walking down the stairway and everyone followed. As they reached the bottom, they saw thousands of sarcophagus symmetrically arranged around a statue at the center. Badang touched one of the sarcophagus and the gust stopped. They all looked around with their curious faces.

"the source is close, stay sharp" Selena warned

Everyone's on their fighting pose when suddenly a huge hand made of sand crushed the statue right next to them, throwing everyone away from the impact. Badang tried to get back on his feet but the hand slammed him, pinning him to the ground. Then an echoing voice of a man said ...

"show some respect my dear guests... bow down to the King of Tivacan"

"show yourself!" Hanabi said

"you dare to speak to me like that!!" the man yelled

Without a second, Hanabi was picked up by another huge hand then thrown away towards Bandang's direction. The impact left the two unconcious.

"you!" the hand pointing at Selena

"You're the only mage who set foot on this kingdom for centuries. I want you to remove the curse in me" the voice said

"I can feel the dark power surging through your body, now show yourself" Selena responded

The huge hands turned to disappeared. Alucard and Natalia rushed to check on Hanabi and Badang. From a distance, a shadow of a tall slender man appeared and walked towards the team. Lancelot draw his sword while Karrie slowly touched her blades and gestured to fight. Selena remained unmoved.

The tall man revealed himself.

"the Desert Tyrant ..... Khufra" Selena said with a low voice

"you know him?!" Karrie asked

"Alice knows him" Selena replied

Khufra was about to reach Selena when sunlight filled the tomb hall. The ancient king suddenly disappeared.

"where did he go?" Lancelot asked

"it appears he's affected by light, he can't exist with the sunlight" Selena replied

"what is he, not even the blood demons are afraid of the light?" Karrie asked

"he's cursed as he said, it must be one of the effects of it" Selena replied

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