Chapter 3 : Curse of the Stars

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The sun vanished from the horizon then came a night full of darkness. The stars seemed so far that none of them is visible in the night sky. Badang and Hanabi are still unconcious so they had to hide them somewhere in the ruins of the old kingdom. The rest of the squad went on to their assigned positions and waited for the ancient king to show up. But this was no ordinary night.

The sand started to move as if it's having its own life. Soon after, the humid wind intentisified the sand's movement and created a huge powerful sandstorm. The team is blind, can't see a thing and this spoiled their plan. It may seem too powerful but there's no dark magic in it, it's just a natural sandstorm.

In an unfortunate timing, the team was caught by surprise when Khufra showed up in the middle of the raging sandstorm and took advantage of it. He transformed into a huge elastic ball and bounced, shaking the entire kingdom. Debris started to fall and soon the ruins will entirely collapse. The team had to retreat and get to Badang and Hanabi before the sandstorm and debris could kill them while in their sleep.

It was too hard to move even with Karrie's beyond human features. Luckily, Lancelot was quick to think and use the below dungeons to get to Hanabi and Badang's location. It was a risk he had to take, he knows that the surface may collapse anytime due to Khufra's bouncing ball but he had to do it to rescue his friends.

Each squad member had to move and decide on their own. There's no telling on when the sandstorm would stop but Selena was determined to end this fight the soonest time possible so they can leave the place. She transformed into her Abyssal form and with her Primal Darkness, she moved effortlessly within the raging sandstorm and went closer to Khufra.

The young demon used her abyssal arrow to stun Khufra and abyssal trap to temporarily contain the desert tyrant. She did it but she also had to move quickly to fully contain him before he can move again.
But even before Selena can activate her next attack, Khufra managed to use his tyrant's rage and knock Selena away. It was too powerful that even the sandstorm stopped instantly. It may be unfortunate for the young demon to recieve such great force but, her squad didn't took a second to retaliate.

Alucard jumped from the above balcony and used his ground splitter and fision wave attacks, leaving severe wounds to the ancient king. With his elastic body, Khufra tried to respond an attack but Natalia was quick to release her smoke bomb and use claw dash to add more pain to Khufra. The smoke blinded the old king for a while but it didn't took much damage on him.

As tough as the rubber, Khufra didn't seem to feel defeat at this point. Even on his knees, he still showed how tyrant he is.

"HAHAHA you think you can defeat me?! .... I may be cursed by the stars but I can never be defeated by lowly creatures like you!"

His voice echoed accross the Ruins of Tivacan. After a second, Khufra's body relased a purple smoke and his elastic hands started to stretch.

"I'll make that rubber bleed"

Natalia entered stealth mode and dashed towards Khufras and made a critical hit on his back. True to her words, it made the desert tyrant bleed.

"he's using dark magic, he may have something to heal him quickly" Selena said as she walked slowly, limping towards Khufra

She stunned him again and used her abyssal trap to prevent him from moving. They tied him up with the lightning wip that Alucard got as a gift from Kaja, a long time ago. Then they started to question him.

"what do you know about Alice?" Natalia asked

The old king remained silent.

"talk or I'll cut your long hands with my blade" Natalia threteaned him


The squad looked around. There they saw Lancelot with Hanabi and Badang. Though still weak, Hanabi reinforced Selena's hold on Khufra with her scarlet ninjutsu.

"now talk!" Hanabi said

"you got me this time but not for long ... the stars have cursed me for a long time but even they can't keep me away!" Khufra said

"we don't intend to hurt you but we had to, we respect that this is your kingdom but you attacked us first" Alucard said

"Alice, the blood demon Alice. We met ages ago and fought battles side by side when we were young. She tried to recruit me to join the abyss during the Battle of The Barren Lands but I was not able to aid her because of this stupid curse given my some traitor astrologer" Khufra said

"do you know where Alice is right now?" Lancelot asked

"I do not know. We haven't seen each other for years. She hasn't come here either" Khufra answered

"how do we know you're telling the truth?" Karrie asked

"because I'm a king not a liar" Khufra replied

"he's telling the truth, I can tell by his heartbeat" Badang said in a weak voice

The team decided to just let him go. They had the chance to ask him but the answer is no and they didn't have a choice but to let him go. Alucard let lose of the wip and the stuns were removed. When everyone thought that everything will be fine, Khufra quickly knocked Alucard and Natalia out with his huge hands.

The squad had to fight him again. Lancelot and Karrie came dashing towards Khufra. The two quickly out maneuvered the old king and was able to take him down once again. But Khufra is such a tank full of strength and endurance, he turned into his bouncing ball form once again creating another massive earthquake in the area.

With all his remaing strength, Badang stood up and used his fist break creating a wall of rock and released his final blow with a fist wind that finally knocked out Khufra.

"as tough as his rubber hand" Lancelot said in a tired voice

"and he's cursed in that state" Hanabi added

"he's out, we already got what we want. He doesn't know about Alice, we should leave this place before he gains conciousness" Selena suggested

"I agree, that ancient king is hell of a tank" Natalia added

"Badang ... Hanabi, can you travel now?" Alucard asked

"I can, if I don't have to fight this rubber king for now" Hanabi replied

"I'm good, my body still hurt but I can manage" Badang replied

"I can help you with that, I can make that body relax" Lancelot said

Everyone turned their head to Lancelot with a sharp stare. The perfumed knight quickly denied his intentions and said it was just a joke. Badang just smiled while the rest of the squad laughed at the idea. They were all laughing and making jokes at Lancelot and Badang when a woman showed up from the shadows of the ruins and said.

"you should leave while he's out. My curse isn't strong enough to hold him in this place much longer"

"so you're the astrologer who cursed him" Selena said

"No, I'm the direct descedant of the one who cursed him. I share memories with the astrologer he speaks about as I share the same powers to keep the curse in him" the woman replied

"and you are?" Karrie asked

She sparkled like a star under the faint moon light. As elegant as her golden dress, she walked gracefully towards the squad and answered....


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