Chapter Three: Smile.

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Patton's pov

I left the house in a daze, hardly aware that I had even woke up and gotten ready, and stumbled my way down the street, towards my high school.

I have grown up with most of the kids there, especially the ones that are in my classes, which is both a good and bad thing. They were nice at a certain point, but I guess people change overtime.

I have always liked the teachers though. They were really nice and supportive about me coming out as gay. Meanwhile the students found it a bit harder to come to terms with it.
I have no clue why exactly. You like who you like, and why should anyone else care. It's not their life or relationship so if they don't like it then they shouldn't do it. Pretty simple!
But obviously people and life don't work that way. People are looked down on and judged for their personality and looks. It was like a social hierarchy, and if you were on the bottom of that hierarchy, you wouldn't even want to know what would happen to you. Much like me! A small, happy, gay guy who would much like to be able to have slight crushes on guys and not get called a name. Much like how many closeted couples would much like to walk down the halls holding hands without people shouting slurs like 'fag' or 'homo.' But it's simple to see, if you want that then you have to crush the hierarchy, the best way to do that is to get to the top, and then slowly make it crumble.


I made my way to my first period class, avoiding the girls and guys that were shouting at me along with the one group of guys cat calling me. I sat down at my desk and my teacher gave me a smile before completing the register just as noise in the corridor caught my attention. A couple of kids were talking in the hall along with a lady's voice. The lady laughed before knocking on our classroom door. My teacher called her in, allowing her to stand in front of the class next to two boys that I had yet to see here. Must admit they were fairly good looking, especially the one in red, but I didn't like any of them like that because I have a boyfriend that lives in my hometown. The one wearing green looked pretty scary as he glared at a girl who was snickering, but something in me said that he was secretly a softy.

The teacher turned to me and asked if I wanted to help show them around. I quickly agreed, getting excited to have potential friends for once in my life. The class began to laugh and whisper homophobic slurs at me which didn't really deter my mood, but it definitely altered the first impression that I was attempting to make. The boy in green glared at them and then introduced himself in one of the most aggressive ways he could. He seemed alright though since he did stop them from being annoying.

As the twins finished speaking, the teacher pointed them towards a seat behind me. The scarier of the two, Remus, dashed forward, shoving past his brother to sit in the seat beside the wall. The prince-like boy named roman gave his twin - Remus, a noticeably playful glare as he sat down with grace.
Remus decided to slam his head down on the desk making me jump in my chair due to the sudden loud noise. They seemed okay. Maybe some new friends!


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