Chapter Five: First Day Back

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Damion's POV

i made my way up to my first period class swerving around all of the teens lingering around in the halls. I stopped outside my classes door and took a deep breath before entering. i had just moved tutor group because the people in my last group got caught beating me up one day. as i entered the room i had most eyes on me, there was only one person who i could not tell if they were looking at me or not, that was because they were wearing black tinted sunglasses. they seemed to be sitting by theirselves and not talking to anyone else.

The room seemed eerily quiet as i awkwardly made way to go and sit down in an empty seat near the window. my breathe seemed to get caught in my throat as i felt the piercing eyes from all my new classmates. ii could hear slight whispers about my face and snickers from a couple of the boys in the back. i pretended not to notice and just carried on staring out of the window. The teacher gave a breef explanation about why i was here and then continued on to roll call. I was to caught up in my little world to realise i had forgot to tell her about my name. she was about to call out my deadname to the class. oh god.


Remy's POV

The new kid seems kinda on edge, but he also has a look that screams 'dont talk to me' so i decided that i would attempt to talk to them after roll call. i kept sneaking glances in their direction and i found myself wondering if they were okay. i mean, we were told that they moved because the other kids were mean to them, but i dont think thats the whole reason they seem hesitant and spacey.

The teacher was calling out names for roll call and i only stopped looking at the new kid when the teacher called my name -

"Remy Espina! im so glad to have you back in my class!"

"Me too miss campbell!" i responded with fake enthusiasum since i was too tired to even have any at the moment. she just smiled sweetly at me as i gave a small salute.

I zoned out again as she continued to read out the names of my classmates and turned my head to look at the new kid again. but this time when i turned to look at them there was something wrong, they seemed panicky and looked as if they wanted something to stop. i decided to not wait until after roll call because they looked as if they needed help.

"hey, my names Remy," i said as i waved at them, " i was wondering if you were alright? you seem a bit nervous there hun." i explained as they just nodded.

"sorry to ask," he paused and took a deep breath, "Do you think you could go and ask the teacher to not call out my full name, only my last one, i mean i would do it myself but then people would stare and she might ask questions!" he asked in a panic.

i didn't really know why they seemed so adamant on the teacher not reading out their name but they seemed to be really bothered so i just gave a small smile and nodded. after walking up to miss campbell i explained the situation and then she just nodded in understanding.

I really liked miss campbell, not only was she a music teacher but she was one of the first people i came out to as gay. she accepted it and then told me that me that she has 2 mums so me and her are quite close, i think of her as either a mother or an older sister but i cant place which one. i returned to my chair and then waited for roll call to finish before i had the next 15 minutes to talk to them.

"menteras?" Miss campbell called as the shy looking boy called out a simple "here."

The new kid smiled at the fact that the teacher didnt call out their whole name and they leaned their elbows on the desk with their chin on their hand.


Damion's POV

The person wearing sunglasses seemed nice, they talked in some sort of calm way but it also held a bit of sassiness which i found rather funny. they helped me out just because i asked and didnt ask any questions, they also seemed to not be afraid of my face so... maybe, just maybe, we could be friends.

after the teacher finished registration i turned around and tried to talk to the person with sunglasses only to see them not there. i glanced around the room behind me to see if they were still there but they were not, "strange." i whispered and turned around, only to be met with the face of the person wearing sunglasses sitting infront of my desk. i gave a yelp in surprise to which they chuckled at.

i shook my head as i put back up my front and held my hand out for a handshake, "Damion Menteras, nice to meet you Remy." i stated calmly as he looked taken aback by my sudden character change.

"Nice to meet you too Damion!" he responded as he shook my hand back with a lazy grin. he smelled strongly of coffee and seems like he would bathe in starbucks, that must cost ALOT of money might i add. i chuckled at the thought as they quirked a brow at me.

"What's so funny hun?" Remy asked with a curious glint in his eyes.

"Do you happen to live at starbucks by any chance?" i asked with a knowing grin.

"Eh, i wish, i just work there. How did you know? and why are you asking?" he questioned.

"Sorry, its just you have something about you that just screams coffee and also im pretty sure you have served me before!" i stated with a small smile.

" oh and before i forget," i started, " what are your pronouns? i wouldnt want to misgender you!" i exclaimed going back to my normal personality and not my fake confidence.

Remy gave a slight chuckle before they replied " my pronouns are he/him and if you could not tell im pretty gay hun." he replied and emphasised the word 'pretty.'

"what are your pronouns?" he asked.

"Oh mine are just he him! and im also pretty gay but im pan!" i told him with a small smile.

he nodded and we chatted up until the bell rang. He asked for my phone number so i put it into his phone for him. i gave a sly grin before whispering "call me!" with a wink, i then realised that i couldnt keep a straight face and ended up bursting out laughing at my attempt to flirt along with remy.

"oh god! im never doing that again!" i wheezed.

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