Wiccan Herbs Pt. 1

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Adder's Tongue
One of the few herbs specifically used to remove gossip and slander. This herb can also help repair relationships and heal all sorts of situations. Although it also has a dark side and has been called the Serpent's Tongue and is commonly associated with snakes.

It can create powerful protection spells and can reverse spells of all kinds (can reverse a spell cast against you). It can also be used to create a powerful sleep sachet for peace and protection in dreams, working kind of like a dream catcher.

Found in protection spells and divination rituals. It can bolster conjuration techniques and make communication with the other side more likely. It can be used in weather magick and is considered sacred to druids. There is a druid tale of carving an Alder wood whistle in order to conjure up the wind.

Found in wealth, money, and prosperity spells. Found in financial magick of all sorts and is used in empathy work (any spellwork that is done for other people out of good-will).

All Spice
It can be used in healing spells, money spells, luck spells, and promotes confidence and ambition. It helps strengthen charms.

Powerful herb of wisdom, intelligence, and ambition. Used to create money and wealth energy, as well as to strengthen a business. It can be used to attract abundance and growth.

Commonly found in protection and luck spells. Promotes peace and prosperity within a home and can be grown in pots to improve the safety of a home.

Produces powerful prosperity energy. It can be used in meditation to produce clarity and literally transmute negative energy into positive energies.

Commonly found in healing spells and talisman. Also found in protection spells.

One of the strongest Wiccan herbs for protection. Produces powerful healing spells. Angelica is strong enough to remove hexes, curses, and all types of negative energy. It can protect a home or a person when sprinkled under the bed or around the home. Can unbind and undo spells. Also used in exorcisms.

Added to sleep sachets, dream catchers, and pillows to remove and prevent negative dreams or nightmares. It can dispel bad energy and evil spirits. Used to battle demons. It can improve meditation and relaxation. Commonly found in protection spells.

All types of apple possess powerful spiritual and magickal properties which are frequently used to create abundance, fertility, and power. In fact, apple cider is powerful enough to be a substitute for blood or wine. Apples hold traditional and ceremonial worth in Samhain to honor the dead and those who will meet rebirth in spring. Apples are also considered the food of the Gods.

One of the most powerful healing herbs for physical injuries which can be treated by salve. It can be applied to any inflammation or muscular-type of pain for mythical ailment relief.

Bachelor Buttons
Found in some love spells, talisman, and charms. Used to generate attraction in existing relationships.

One of the more common ingredients in witchcraft (probably because of its regular availability in most kitchens), Basil can be used to promote good luck, protection, and financial success within a home. It is also used within some love potions, love spells, and in some protection spells. Basil is an ingredient used in exorcisms as well.

Bay Leaf
Another common ingredient in modern witchcraft, Bay Leaf creates powerful protection and financial success energy. Bay Leaf has many wealth and prosperity-creating properties and thus is found in a variety of money, lottery, gambling, and luck spells. However, it is also found in a variety of protection spells, including as an anti-repercussion additive in black magick spells. Bay Leaf is traditionally carried in a sachet protection charm to prevent magickal attacks by spells, witches, demons, or other spiritual entities.

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