VII. Bubba Goes to the Park

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Hello masters, my name is Bubba! Bubba is a... uh... what master call me? "Buh-lak Lab-Ruh-Door?" Bubba does not remember, because Bubba is not smart like master is! Master is a GOOD master who feeds Bubba yummy treats and always takes him for walks! Bestest place for walks is the PARK, and this is the story of how Bubba got to go to the PARK and meet master's lady master!

Master has been with Bubba for a long time and we are BEST FRIENDS, but master can be a lonely master sometimes. Since two snows ago, master has been talking to lady master over the not-food-thing that masters speak in and out of. Master always seems to like talking to her so she must be a GOOD lady master!

One day, Bubba was in his special spot in the yard that is the best spot because the sun hits him JUST RIGHT. That is when the BAD master shows up! Bad master is bad because he always comes by master's house every day to put pieces of paper in master's yard box! Master does not NEED those papers! Go away bad master!

Bubba is a good dog, so he always yells at bad master to go away, and he always does after putting paper in master's yard box! Bad master is scared because Bubba is big and tough and brave, and will NEVER let bad master come in!

After bad master goes away, Bubba's master comes out of the house to see Bubba! Bubba is very happy to see master and runs up to lick him on the face to show how much Bubba loves him! Master is SO happy!

Yes, master is so happy that he says he is taking Bubba for a WALK to the PARK! The PARK-PARK-PARK! Bubba LOVES the park! It is all big and green and there are other dogs to sniff and squirrels to chase and master even throws the FRISBEE for Bubba to catch! (Bubba ALWAYS makes sure to return the FRISBEE for master!) Bubba is so excited to go the park that he jumps up and down!

Master gets out the LEASH and hooks it up to Bubba's collar, which is good because now Bubba gets to go OUTSIDE! Bubba loves to go outside too! Bubba can run around the other yards and sniff and pee on everything and it is. SO. MUCH. FUN!

After Bubba has helpfully led master to the spots that the other dogs have been so that he can sniff for himself (why does master never sniff? He can learn so much!), master WALKS him over the big street and into the PARK.

This PARK is the BEST PARK ever! It has all things a PARK should have! It has trees for evil squirrels, benches for masters, and lots of grass for rolling around in for dogs! There is no better PARK around because there IS no other PARK around that Bubba can see, and Bubba has good eyes that can see very far!

Bubba goes to sniff around the usual spots to see who has been at the PARK while master talks into his not food thing. Bubba hears master's lady master friend inside the not food thing, and master becomes tense and excited.

Bubba gets excited too! If master is excited than something very VERY good is about to happen! Is it a treat?! Is it a belly rub?! Is it the FRISBEE?!?! Please-please-PLEASE be the FRISBEE, Bubba LOVES the FRISBEE!!!

Master calls Bubba over, and Bubba comes because he is a GOOD dog who listens to his master! Master pets Bubba on the head and begins saying words to him. Bubba can't understand master talk, but he listens anyway because he is a good dog! Whatever could master be saying?

"This is the big day, Bubba; you're finally going to meet Cindy like I promised you. She's nervous around big dogs, so we're not going to jump on her, okay?"

Master smiles at Bubba, so master is happy! That means Bubba is happy! Master must be praising Bubba for being a good dog and making the bad master go away earlier! Do not praise, master; Bubba did it because it was the right thing to do!

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