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Deafening roars that indicated the evidence of battle can be heard from the outside. The noises of clashing swords and the shouting of several men rang throughout the dark night. The surrounding walls were being attacked and burnt to the ground all by men cladded in armor.

"Sire, it's time to leave."

A man wrapped in a cloak darker than the midnight sky stood by respectfully, however a hint of unease and alertness could not be missed from his face.


He called out one more time, this time with a hint of more urgency. I sigh and take one more glance around the room before turning around and leaving.

It was unsurprising for this to happen. Cryverith was a small country after all. It was meant to fall sooner or later.

I, together with some others in black, dart through several hallways before reaching a secluded exit far enough from the entrance of the palace. I went and sat atop a rather plain-looking carriage, inconspicuous in the dark night.


The man who stood by my side earlier answered.

"Yes sire?"

"Call me sir from now on."

"Yes sir."

"Good. I want you to go and look for Hunter. We will be setting off first; bring him to the designated area. We'll wait for you there."

"Yes sir."

The man named Ulrik quickly bowed before turning around and rushing back to the castle gates. The plain-looking carriage set off into the night together with a few other men atop horses. I look one last time at a sight that may not be beheld again in a lifetime. The Cryverith castle, now in a state following the path of ruin. A symbol of Cryverith's monarchy, covered in flames. It was somewhat beautiful, with the yellows and oranges dancing through the black night.

Cryverith castle, a place I once used to call my own.

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