Chapter 2

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The cold night air blew across my face as I looked out towards the bejeweled sky. No clouds were present to block out the stars that shone on that night. Rustling sounds from tall grass and hushed murmurs from the soldiers surrounded the camp while a warm ember glow coming from the campfires reflected upon the tents. While drifting in the state of serenity and watching the campfire spit embers, I spot Ulrik passing by with a tray of food in hand.


Ulrik turned towards me and a little bit of surprise registered on his face. I invited him to sit down.

   "Sir! need me for anything?"

I smiled at him in response. "No, not in particular."

   "Oh...then, may I ask why sir has called?" He looked at me expectantly, as if waiting for an answer. I just continued to smile.

It went on silent for a while. Ulrik started looking around awkwardly until he spotted the tray of food he was carrying. Almost instantly, his eyes seemed to brighten up.

    "Sir...have you eaten?"

    "No, not yet." I looked back at the flying embers and maintained my smile.

     "Th- then, would you like to have my tray? I can just grab another one later on."

I politely decline and bring my knees up to my chest to rest my head. "No, it's okay. You have it."



     "Yes sir?"

     "What do you think of me as a prince?"

     "As a...I beg your pardon?"

     "As a prince. What do you think of me as a prince?"

     "I'm sorry Sir but I don't think I quite understand..."

     "I'm going to infiltrate the Luxian kingdom-"

     "About that, Sir can't we-"

     "-and I'm planning on going as a prince."

     "'re planning on infiltrating the Luxian Kingdom as a prince??" Ulrik gapes at me with an effort of masked bewilderment and confusion.

     "Yes. What do you think? An illegitimate son of the former king of Cryverith. My father had an illegitimate son. Does that sound believable?"

     "But Sir, a secret love child??"

     "Then the illegitimate son had a hatred for his half brother, the current king, which is me. He hated the current king because of underground corruption." I glanced at Ulrik, "Thoughts?"

Ulrik stared at the ground perplexed before answering, "But sire, your reputation remained untarnished even until now...who's going to believe any of that? It is surprising enough that the former king had a secret love child, but you Sir? Corruption? I'm afraid your reputation is quite the long way opposite from that your highness."

I glanced at Ulrik with a pointed stare.

        "Ah, I mean Sir", Ulrik corrected without hesitation.

I thought for a while before looking back at Ulrik, "We can just forge them. The documents I mean. After all, I did bring *that* with me. We can forge the evidence."
        "But Sir, won't people recognize you?"

        "Hmm, it should be alright. I never left the castle much anyways."

        "W...well, that's true, but..."

        "Then we pass on the message to the King of Luxian that I, the illegitimate prince —or secret love child, as you call it— am also on a lookout for my dearest brother of whom I hate dearly. Why? Merely to get revenge. That's all." I brought my knees closer to my chest and wrapped my arms around my knees, staring straight into the blazing fire. It was getting colder which meant that I would need to retire for the night soon.

      " really won't change your decision?"

I turned to Ulrik and gazed determinedly. Ulrik, catching my gaze, sighed, "Yes Sir, I understand."

He stood up and bowed, "Then I shall take my leave now, Sir. Please call me again if you need anything."

I watched as Ulrik walked away, tray in hand, before turning back to admire the campfire a bit more. Just for a while. After this, I'd be retiring to bed.

                                                       ✥ ✥ ✥

The scent of flowers and fresh morning dew grass filled the air. An assortment of colourful flowers dotted the greenest and lushest grass, adding a hint of liveliness and cheer to the garden. A few chirps from some birds singing melodies composed beautifully by nature could be heard in the background if one listened carefully.

I stood still amongst the colourful flowers and the greenest and lushest grass as I strained to listen to the birds singing in the background.

     "My King, they have requested for your presence," a maid reported then bowed.

I jolted slightly at the sudden interruption and looked down at the ground, a bit embarrassed by my discomposure. Then I looked up at the maid and voiced out surprisingly, "My King?"

    "Yes, since his highness is not anymore a prince," the maid smiled gently.

Ah. That's right.

    "Ah, yes...indeed. Tell them that I'll be there in a moment."

The maid bowed again before leaving. I'm now a king. Somehow I still couldn't get used to it.

Walking down the corridors of the castle, I finally reached the room. A butler that handled the door bowed when I came.

     "His grace has been waiting inside."

The door was pushed open and two men wearing papal clothing were seated by the window of the drawing room. They both turned to face me and got up as I approached.

      "Your Excellency, we meet again." One of the priests held out their hand to me and we shook hands. He was the same priest that appointed me as king on my coronation. After the introductions, we sat down for discussion.

The other priest brought out an item the size of a chess piece on the table. "I believe you should know what this is, King Acrisias?"

My pupils shrank and I could feel my heartbeat slowly accelerating. *Control your excitement.*I pushed down the emotions threatening to spill out. Nevertheless, despite my efforts, my hands could not help but tremble. I clenched them into fists.

        "The royal seal." I managed to breath out.

The small chess piece-like object reflected the sunlight coming from the floor-to-ceiling window, making it seem as if it were glowing. It was truly imposing. Though its size looked insignificant, it held the weight of the kingdom. Without the seal, a king was considered to be merely a decoration on the throne.

      "Without the seal, a king cannot be a true 'king'. The seal is the symbol of ownership of a kingdom. It determines the validity of the king." The priest that took out the royal seal spoke.

Throat dry and making an effort to not sound as affected, I verified in a hoarse voice, "then...this...this is Cryverith's royal seal?"

It was a golden horse that had a metallic, silky lustre. Domineering, elegant and imposing.

       "That is correct. For generations, we have been responsible for  bestowing the royal seal to the leaders of the kingdom. Your father, the former king —bless his soul— also had received the royal seal from us. We are the keepers and the protectors of the seal. We preserve it until the next leader of the kingdom arises. For now, it's your turn." The priest that was in charge of my coronation finally spoke. "Take care of it. Once a king loses his know what happens."

The ownership of the kingdom will no longer be in my hands. I gulped secretly despite my dry mouth. "I understand."

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