ꨄ︎ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 1 ꨄ︎

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Zak is packing his bags because he his going on a trip with school to the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany. The trip is going too be a whole month a week for every country. He is very exicted for France because they are going too Disneyland Paris, but the first country is gonna be the Netherlands.

Zak's phone is going over and he picks up.
"Hey zak"
"Wassup Jacob?"
"What was the time again"
"The time for what?"
"When we are going away from school tomorrow"
"Oh yeah uhhh i believe it was 5 am"
"OK, thank you"
"No problem"
Zak hung up and checkt his Instagram. There was not much going on. Only some classmates about the trip.

Zak checkt his phone. "Is it already 9pm? I need to shower." He grabbed his towel and walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Zak walked towards the mirror and stared at the person before him. I don't want to go. I'm gonna miss Rocco and mine parents. Maybe mine sister too! And that would be strange. Someone knocked in the door. "Zak hurry up i need to shower too!" Mine sister Maddy yelled. "I'm not the shower yet!" "Just hurry up or i'm gonna trow your bags outside."

Defently not gonna miss her.

It was 9:43pm when he finaly laid down in bed. He checked his phone. Brooklyn had messaged him.
9:15 Brooklynn
Hii Zak, should we go sit next togheter in the plane?
9:19 Brooklynn
9:24 Brooklynn
Answer me please
9:27 Brooklynn
Daisy asked if i'm gonna dit next to her

Jesus Christ i'm not always on mine phone..

9:46 Zak
I already sit next to Jacob

9:46 Brooklynn
There are 3 seats next to eachother so if you go in the middle?

That was a fast replay

9:46 Zak
Idk, i probably going to sit by the window but you can sit behind us?

9:47 Brooklynn
But.... I want to sit next to you🥺👉🏻👈🏻

9:47 Zak
Sorry Brooklynn. I'm going to sleep btw

9:47 Brooklynn
Oh, OK. Goodnight 😘

9:47 Zak

Jesus Brooklynn is kinda annoying.. She Just want as een trophee(?) Only because i never had a girlfriend..

Goodnight ☾︎
BIEP BIEP BIE-. Zak snoozed his alarm clock and stepped out of bed. It was 3 AM in 2 hours he need to be by school. He grabbed his favorite pink hoodie and a joggingspants(English is my best) he grabbed his bags and went downstairs. His mother was already in the kitchen making some breakfest for him.
"Goodmorning, Mom."
"Goodmorning, sweetie"
"What are you making?"
"I made baked egg for us."
YUMMIE, i love baked eggs.
"Sounds amazayn"
She passed Zak a bord over.
"Can you grab the salt sweetie?"
Zak walked to the place where the salt was standing and give it to his mom.
"Thank you very much"

After we had breakfest i checked my phone. Brooklynn again...
3:29 Brooklynn
Hi, can you pick me up my car is broken

3:47 Zak
Uhh yeah sure, where do you live btw?

3:48 Brooklynn
Fablouis! I live in Parkviewlane 389

There only lives rich people i think.

3:50 Zak
OK, i'll pick you up around 4:30am.

3:50 Brooklynn
Aightt, thank you❤️

3:50 Zak
OK, see ya later

9:50 Brooklynn

She is nice but she is hunting after me

Zak's dad walked downstairs to say goodbye. He hugged Rocco and his mom. Maddy didn't even get out of bed. He walked outside and did his bags in the car and drove away while his mom and dad waved at him and he waved back.

5 minutes later he stood by the house of Brooklynn. Brooklynn stood already outside. She walked to the car opened the door and sat next to. Her dad stopped her bags in Zak's car.
"Hi" Brooklynn said.
"Hello" said Zak back.
When her dad was done they drove away to school and then they are going with the bus to the airport.

"Soooooo, Zak." Brooklynn said.
"Why do you not have a girlfriend??" She blinkend her eyes super fast while she said it.. Wtf
"Because i didn't found one? A simple answer to a simple question."
"Ohh OK, have you ever kissed before then?"
And with that the conversation was over.

It was now 4:45am and it is now only a 10 minut ride.
Zak asked' "Do you want music?"
"Yeah sure! I've got a playlist in my phone can we use that?" Brooklynn said.
"Yeah sure why not put it on"
A couple seconds later One Direction came out of Zak's speakers. They are not bad.
"They broke up right?" I aksed.
"No they didn't they are in a hiatus of the promised 18 months but now 5 years"
That is more than 18 months yeah
"That suckes." I replied
"Yeah kinda."

We are by school. Zak parked his car and helped Brooklynn with her stuff. They walked to the bus. Brooklynn then walked to her friends and i walked to Jacob.
"Why came Brooklynn Parkers out of your car?" Jacob asked.
"Her care is broken or something"
"O, OK. I'm jealeus of you bro"
"Oh, she only wants me because i never had a girlfriend. And ampertly i'm kinda hot lol."
"Pfff. You wish"

"Why is the new boy going on the trip?" Jacob asked.
"I don't know"
The new boy named Darryl with the difficult backname. He is kinda hot to be honest. He was already a month on this school but still has no friends.

"Get in the bus everyone!" Yelled ms.Smith. Everyone was going in the bus. Jacob and Zak sat in the middle. The whole bus was full. There only was 1 seat left... next to Darryl.
"Sorry for the people who already wanted to sit next to someone but we have chosen where you guys sit in the plane." Ms. Smith said.
While she said next to who you are gonna sit the bus drove away.
"On the A seats gonna sit Jacob, Madison and George.
...D seats are gonna sit....
G seats....M seats.. On the P seats are gonna sit Zak, Darryl and Brooklynn."
Fuck why Brooklynn? I bet she paid her.
"And on the Q seats are Vincent and Clay"

"Jesus Zak why do you have luck and unluck at the same time?" Jacob said.
Yeah Brooklynn is unluck and Darryl i don't know.
"I dont know lol."

Hi, i'm gonna try to publice every day a chapter around the 1000 words. And i'm sorry for mine English sometimes.......
ꨄ︎1125 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜ꨄ︎

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