1 - Thoughts and Girls

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Disclaimer: I don't own HoO or PJO


Jason woke up in his quiet praetor's cabin. He looked at his clock, 9:00 am. Gaah, why do I keep waking up so early? He thought to himself. It's been one month since the war with Gaea. Chiron and Lupa had decided to combine the two camps, which meant Jason didn't have to separate from Piper. Or his friends. Or Piper. Especially Piper. 

Everyone seemed happy when the news was announced. Except, Jason noticed, Reyna, the Praetor of the Twelfth Legion. She appeared distant around him lately and continuously giving him a look she used when she was in deep thoughts. Deep unpleasant thoughts. Jason tries to ignore them, but it's kind of hard to enjoy your breakfast when someone is glaring at you from across the room.

Enough of this, you just fought in your biggest battle yet, no need for more trouble. Think happy thoughts. Think about Piper. He smiled to himself. Piper, she was something else, in a good way, of course. She was perfect for him. From her chocolate-colored hair to her kaleidoscope eyes, and her soft lips. 

The past month of getting everything together after the war went smoothly for him because she was with him every step of the way, which for that, he was grateful. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a gentle knock on the door. He got up out of bed to go open up. 

"Piper!" He exclaimed.

"Hey, Sparky." She said. "For a sleepyhead like you, you're up pretty early."

"I now wish I am sleeping." He muttered. He let her walk in then closed the door.

"What are you doing today?" She asked.


"No reason." She innocently smiled.

"Oh, I totally believe you." He said sarcastically.

"Okay, fine. What do you want to do today?"

He stopped for a moment, looking her in the eyes. She was wearing a very light blue tank top and skinny jeans. Simple and cute. Stop staring. Jason mentally face-palmed himself. He then smiled.

"Usual spot?"

"Usual spot." She confirmed.

"Ok, let me just get ready. Give me five minutes?"

"Take your time." She replied.

Jason opened his drawer, pulled out a Camp Half-blood shirt, blue jeans, and his comb. He then went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. After having changed into the fresh new clothes, he carefully combed his hair. He took one last look into the mirror, then headed out. 

He found a little surprise, though. His bed was neatly made, and his dirty clothes were all in the laundry basket. He also noticed his curtains were open, which allowed tons of light to fill the room. Wow, he thought. It's not every day your girlfriend cleans up your cabin for you. Finally, his eyes landed on Piper, tinkering with his clock. He gave her a puzzled look.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"Your clock is wrong."


"Your clock is two hours early."

"Wait, so, that means-"

"Yes, Jason, it's 7:15 right now."

He replied with a groan. "Why? Just why are you doing this to me?" He thought out loud.

"Um, if you really want to look at the wrong time, that's fine." Said a confused Piper.

"What? Oh, uh, I think I was thinking out loud. I'm mad at myself for waking up too early, you could say. Been doing that for the past week." He grinned sheepishly.

Piper smirked.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing. Anyways, you ready?" She took a closer look at him. "Oh, no, that's not going to work." She told him.

"What?" He asked.

She walked up to him, then ruffled his hair so it looked not too formal or too casual. "Today, you're not Praetor Jason; you're just, my Jason." She chuckled. "You're not going anywhere with me looking all formal like that."

"Oh, thanks for the compliment." He muttered.

"Don't let it get to your head."

"Thanks, Pipes."

She leaned in and kissed him. "Are you all good to go?"


"Are you sure?"


"Are you positive?"

"Piper, yes."

"So, you're going barefoot?"

Jason looked down. "Oh." Embarrassed that he forgot something as simple as that, he grabbed his socks and shoes, then sat down on his bed to put them on. He finished, then stood up and presented himself to Piper.

"Okay, now you're ready," She smiled.

And with that, they walked out the door.

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