3 - Panic and Blood

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Annabeth got up from the breakfast table, determined to find Percy. She walked around the cabins, went inside Poseidens', asked everyone she saw along the way, but still no Percy. Where is he? 

After a little more walking she found him in the training area, sitting on the ground, playing with his sword, looking, really, really, gloomy. I should've known he'd be here. Stupid Wise Girl. "Hey," She said. 

He looked up at her, his expression turning from gloom to frustration. "Do you know where Jason is? We were supposed to train after breakfast," He said.

"Um, no, I haven't seen him, but, I'll go ask Piper," She said with a smile.

"Thanks, Wise Girl."

"Anytime, Seaweed Brain." She left the training area and made her way to Cabin 10. When she arrived she knocked on the door. Drew opened it. "Yes?" She said.

"Uh, I need to speak with your counselor."

"Oh, Piper, she isn't here."

Annabeth frowned. "What do you mean, she isn't here?"

"I mean, she isn't here."

"Then where is she?"

"I have no idea."

"She didn't say anything before she left?"

"No one saw her this morning, her bed was empty when we woke up."

Worry washed over Annabeth. It wasn't like Piper to just leave without telling her cabin mates. And it definitely wasn't like Jason to ditch training. "Um, I got to go, but keep a lookout."

"Whatever. Life is better without that Dumpster Queen anyways," Drew said with a snarl.

Rolling her eyes, Annabeth ran to the training area, where she found Percy sitting just as before. When he saw her running, he stood up. "Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Piper," She panted, "is missing."

"What? What do you mean she's missing?"
"I went to her cabin, but they said her bed was empty in the morning."

"This isn't good."

"Should we ask Reyna if she's seen Jason because he might know where Piper went?"

"You go ask Reyna, and I'm going to go to Chiron."


And so Annabeth went to Reyna's cabin. She was going to knock when the door opened. "Oh, hey Annabeth." Said a tired-looking Reyna. "Everything okay?"

"Um, not really. Have you seen Jason anywhere?"

"No, why?"

"He and Piper are missing."

Reyna seemed to forget about her sleepiness, as she has Annabeth's full attention now. "What?"

"No one knows where they went."

"That's not good, at all. We need to find both of them, and soon."

"I looked all over, but, nothing."

"Did you check Camp Jupiter's area?"

"No. Not yet, I'll go now though."

"Great, I'll come with you."

So together, Annabeth and Reyna walked around Camp Jupiter's territory, looking for the missing couple. "Did you sleep well?" Annabeth asked.

"No, honestly, not really."

"You should take some time off, you know, every once in a while. I mean, Jason does it, and Camp Jupiter is doing fine."

Reyna thought for a moment as if considering it. "I can't." She finally said. "A good praetor should always be on duty."

"So Jason isn't a good praetor?"

"I didn't say that it's just..um...."

"Exactly, everyone deserves a break now and then, even the best praetors, Reyna. You deserve time for yourself, don't you think?"

Reyna sighed. "I guess, I just don't want to leave the camp in-"

"You don't want the camp to fall in the wrong hands. Don't worry, Jason's good at his job, he can handle the camp on his own for a few days."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"So what do you say? Take a week off?"
"I guess so." They fell into a comfortable silence until Annabeth broke it.

"Um, Reyna, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, of course."
"About Piper," She began. "And her relationship with Jason."

At this Reyna's look hardened. "Piper's just-"

"ANNABETH! REYNA!" The two girls turned around to see Percy running towards them, Frank and Hazel at his heels. "I was on my way to see Chiron, and I found Hazel and Frank. It turns out Hazel saw Piper, and Frank saw Jason," Percy said.

"Really?!" Annabeth exclaimed. "Where?"

"I saw her leave her cabin with a blanket early this morning," Hazel explained.

"And I saw Jason leaving breakfast with a basket, probably filled with food." Said Frank.
"They might've gone for a picnic," Reyna said. "Did you see which direction they went in?"

"Piper went north of her cabin."

"And Jason?"


"Oh, I know where they went," said Annabeth.

"Where?" Asked Percy.

"Piper and Jason have this one area farther down, closer to the woods, where they like to spend time together. It's kind of hidden and surrounded by high bushes, making it hard to miss, so it's a pretty good place to go when you're trying to stay away from everyone else."

"How do you know they go there all the time?" Frank asked.

"Piper tells me about this kind of stuff," Annabeth shrugged.
"Then let's go, just to check on them and make sure they're fine," Hazel suggested.

"Maybe they'll share their breakfast," Percy said with a grin. Annabeth lightly smacked his arm with a playful scowl.

They started towards Camp Half-blood, then Annabeth led the way to the hidden tree. When they got there, they found a blanket spread out on the floor, food on the blanket, and the basket. But no Jason and Piper.

"Okay, something is definitely wrong," Said a worried Hazel. They walked closer to examine the scene. "You guys, look," Said Reyna, pointing. She walked over and picked up Jason's sword sheath. With wide eyes, Hazel showed them Katoptris' sheath nearby.

"Something bad happened," Hazel said in a low voice. "They took out their weapons to fight."

"We should look around for clues," Percy said. He made his way near the tall bushes. He crouched down, then called out, "Guys, come see this." 

They made their way to where he was, then saw what it was that he was looking at. 

There was something smeared on the grass. 

In two different areas, one behind the other. 

That something was something red. 

That something was blood.

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