2 - Breakfast and Bushes

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Jason and Piper were walking along the very edge of the camp's border.

"So." Piper was the first to break the silence. No one was really themselves at camp when Piper and Jason unsuccessfully returned from their search for Leo. Even with the explosion, they all had a bit of hope, but that flickered away when they found nothing.

"Wanna grab breakfast and have a picnic?" Jason asked.

"Sure," Piper replied with a small smile.

"I'll get the food, do you wanna get the blanket?"


"Alright then, we'll meet under our usual tree."

Piper just nodded. She wasn't feeling herself today. She watched as Jason went off to get the food, then she herself headed off to her own cabin to get the blanket they'll sit on. As she made her way to Cabin 10, she made a mental note not to let her gloominess (where it came from she didn't know) get to her day with Jason. 

Piper opened the door, only to find most of her brothers and sisters still in bed. She opened her chest, took out Katoptris, which she hooked to her belt, and grabbed the blanket, and soon she was heading out to meet her boyfriend. As she neared the tree, she noticed something lurking from behind one of the surrounding bushes. I'm probably just tired. She thought. 

She spread the blanket out on the grass then looked around to see where Jason was. She spotted him carrying a large basket, with a big grin on his face. When he arrived, she helped him set up the food (hard-boiled eggs, potatoes, bottles of orange juice, pancakes, berries, and muffins), then finally, they sat down.

He unhooked his gladius from his side and set it down on the ground. "So." He said looking up at Piper. "How's life?"

"Other than the fact that we just fought a battle with Mother Earth and a bunch of monsters, nothing much really happening," Piper replied. At this, Jason chuckled. Mostly they talked about the past month, how they planned to live their future, how they were finally at peace, and, finally, Piper mentioned Reyna. "I noticed," She began, "How she's been glaring at you like that."

"Yeah, I don't know what's up with that." Jason shrugged.

"Why do you think she's doing it?"

"I, um, I honestly don't know. I try to ignore it, though."

"Jason, everyone knows why she's doing it."


"Because we combined the camps."

"But why is she taking it out on me? I had nothing to do with the decision making."

Piper stayed quiet for a moment. "You do realize, Jason, she's upset that we're together. She thought that after the war and everything that you would, you know, start something together." Piper said in a low voice. It was now Jason's turn to be quiet.

"Well, listen to me, Piper, I don't care if the whole world turned their anger and hatred towards me so I could start something with her, because nothing, and I mean, nothing will ever make me do that. You're the most important thing to me in the whole universe, Piper, I would never leave you." He said gently. 

Piper scooted closer to Jason and leaned her head on his chest, his arm around her and his hand in hers.

"I love you, Jason." She said.

"Love you too, Pipes." He said with a smile. They stayed like that for a while, until Piper saw something in the bushes again. Okay, maybe I'm not just tired. She sat up and faced Jason. 

She looked into his electric blue eyes, wondering if he truly meant what he said. He pulled her in for a kiss, his soft, warm lips moving against hers, matching her movements. No matter how many times she felt his mouth on hers, her body would heat up. 

When he finally pulled back, they were both breathless. Yeah, he definitely meant it. All of a sudden, Jason tensed and picked up his gladius. "Piper." He said quietly.

"What? Jason what? You're scaring me." She said. "Jason!" She pleaded. He stood up, unsheathed his sword, and pointed it in the direction of a bush. The same one Piper had seen movement behind. 

Horrified, Piper reached for Katoptris. She slowly pulled it out and stood up. "Get behind me," Jason said to her, and with one swift move, he gently pushed her behind him. "Something's there," He said.

"What do we do?" Asked Piper.

He paused. "What we've been born to do." He looked at her, and they shared a mischievous smile. They were going to fight. "Should I try to charmspeak it first?"

"Well, we should find out what "it" is first, it might just be someone pulling a prank on us."

"Or it could be a monster waiting to pull us apart." Muttered Piper.

"Heard that. Though not very likely, considering the fact we haven't crossed the borders." Jason smirked. Then he seemed to remember the current situation. "Okay, we'll go over there slowly, but don't get too close. And, Piper, be ready to run for help in case something happens."

"K, Sparky." With Jason in front and Piper right behind, they slowly advanced. Soon, they were right in front of the bush. (these bushes were about 5 feet tall) Jason nodded at Piper. 

He cautiously stuck his sword into the bush and moved it to the side so he could see behind it. All of a sudden, a knife shot out and slashed Jason on his arm. 

He cried out in pain, then Piper screamed. Jason turned to tell Piper to run, but she was on the ground, unconscious. "PIPER!" Jason yelled. Clutching his arm, he started towards her, only to feel the hilt of a sword on the back of his head. And with that, he collapsed.

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