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Disclaimer: Although this story is set in present time, the events in this story are completely fictional. I will be changing the events to my liking.
There will be no 'coronavirus' because I think we're sad enough as it is.


26th of April, 2020.

The sky outside was tinted a pale pink colour. The clouds were fluffy and white. Harry laid down in his backyard. His hands were placed on his chest as he gently breathed in and out, staring up at the early morning sky. Harry listened to the birds singing their morning songs, as the light breeze brushed over his face. He was lying alone. With nothing but his thoughts to distract him from the inevitable solitude he was stuck in. Harry gently closed his eyes and took a deep breath as his mind took him back to 2015. The day that doesn't seem all that real. None of it does. Not anymore.

7th of September, 2015.

This day wasn't particular lovely. The autumn breeze was bitter and sharp, so the boys all wrapped themselves in thick coats to keep warm. Everything felt off. The silence of Louis signified to Harry that not everything was alright. But things had felt this way for a few months now. Louis was pressed into the door of the van, looking out the window. Niall and Liam were sitting in the very back on their phones. Everyone was silent. It was strange. Usually Louis would brighten up the day with his loud voice, big smile, and banter. But not today. Today he was quiet and keeping to himself. So, naturally, everyone else did as well. Harry placed his hand on Louis' knee, trying to give him a reassuring squeeze. To let him know that he was sitting right there. To let him know that he could feel Louis' unusual presence. Louis glanced down at his hand and gave a small smile. He began to draw small pictures with his fingertip on the back of the taller lads hand before he leant his head on the window and looked out it once again.


Harry quickly opened his eyes and sat up. The memory was vivid, but he wasn't ready to relive everything that happened that day just yet. Not this morning. He pushed himself up off the ground and rubbed his tired eyes. The events happened almost five years ago now, yet Harry still finds himself losing sleep over the memories. He wiped off the dirt that had clung to his back and bottom then walked into his London home. After he went into the kitchen, he began to get out various fruits and vegetables to chop up and put into a smoothie. He then went to lay down on his couch in the lounge and stare blankly at the television that wasn't yet turned on. He just felt so awfully blank and numb today. This happened every now and then. He just couldn't help but miss the small boy that he used to get to call the love of his life. Now everything felt so awfully pointless and dull. He didn't have the bright light. His sun. His love.

Lately, there have been talk about the boys reuniting. Harry made an effort to only reply when Louis seemed to be offline. He just wasn't ready for that conversation yet. They had brought up Louis and Harry in their whatsapp group chat, but Harry made sure to quickly change the subject or ignore it completely. Louis left him. It wasn't his responsibility to take charge and tell Liam and Niall that him and Louis were okay when Louis hadn't even tried to message Harry in five years. He had ignored Harry's drunk calls and sad text messages. He had ignored everything that even involved Harry unless asked in an interview. That hurt Harry. More than anyone could ever imagine.

As he sat on the sofa with his smoothie, he felt his phone buzz. It was yet another message from Liam requesting to face time so they could all discuss plans and ideas for their anniversary. Whether they were ready to get back as a band together, or just wanted to do a small project. Whether they were going to sign with Simon and Modest! Management again, or take up James Corden's offer and sign with him and his company. Everything was still being tossed around in the air. Harry opened the message, meaning the other boys could see that he had read it, but he just stared at it for a few seconds before closing his phone. Harry usually wasn't this stubborn. He just wanted one text from Louis, asking if he was okay. Maybe reassuring him that the reunion would be okay. But he got nothing. He had nothing but an empty heart and a foggy brain.

The doorbell rang shortly after he got the message from Liam so he slumped himself off of his couch and over to the door. His thoughts were running so wild. He needed to be calmed down. And hugged. When he opened the door, a bright smile formed on his lips. None other than Mitchell Rowland was standing at the door with some food in his hands. Mitch raised his eyebrows playfully then walked in once Harry had stood out of the way.

"Mister Harold Styles!" Mitch chirped as they both walked into the lounge room, "how are you feeling?"
"Fine, alright," Harry said, although the tone in his voice suggests otherwise.
"What's wrong? You seem rather glum this morning?"
"Yeah, I just had a dream last night about Louis. With all the talk of this reunion, I guess I've been a bit down."
"Oh, Haz. Well, I brought you some lasagna for dinner tonight. When I visited yesterday, you didn't eat dinner. Sarah made it, not me."
Harry smiled at that and took the lasagna from his hands and placed it on the coffee table, "Thank her from me. Seriously, that's really sweet of you two."
"Yeah, she made some last week. It was amazing," Mitch hummed the patted Harry's shoulder, "do you need to talk about him? Or do you need distracting?"
Harry bit his lip, "Can we talk about it?"
"Course. Go for it. I'll help as best as I can."
"Okay, well... this reunion. I think that's why I'm so down lately and haven't really been myself. Of course I think it's a brilliant idea. I want to give the fans that more than anything. But, I just don't know if I can handle seeing Louis again..."
"What do you think will happen?"
"I don't know. I'll remember all our memories together and it'll hurt. I'll do something stupid.. I'll-
"Realistically Harry. I know you probably still know him better than anyone ever will. So, what do you genuinely think will happen."
"That he'll just ignore me and act like I don't exist. Act like him and I never even had anything."
"Would he do that?"
"He's been ignoring me for five years, Mitch."
"Yes, I know. You've been saying.." Mitch took a breath and thought for a little bit, "How about this. Just think of the reunion as something you're doing for Liam and Niall. For the fans. Not for Louis. Everything that is stressing you out is just scenarios you're creating in that little noggin of yours, mate. Seriously, you have been talking about the band ever since you guys broke up. In you heart, whether you're with Louis or not, that band shaped who you turned out to be, so look forward to that side of it. Face Louis when you have to face him."
"I guess, but Liam wants to face time. Talk over everything before we meet in person with who we want to sign with."
"Then that can be your test for when you meet Louis in person, can't it?" he suggested, "if this face time call goes so awfully bad, then you can just hang up and try again. It can ease you into the real thing."
"That's not a bad idea."

And with that, Harry agreed to Mitch's suggestion. There's not much bad that could happen in a video call. Even so, if something bad did end up happening, Harry could easily just hang up and suggest to do it another time. Just as the two boys were settling in with a guitar each, Harry's phone buzzed. He sighed, expecting Liam to be harassing the group chat even more about when they should face time. He picked up his phone. Everything felt like it froze for a second as his heart began to pound. He glanced at the familiar name in sending him a text before roughly biting his lip.
"What it is, mate?" Mitch asked.
Harry hesitated before he looked back up at the long haired lad in front of him, "Louis text me..."
Harry glanced back at the message before he opened. He wasn't even sure how to respond to him. It had been so long. He looked down at the messaged a few more times, reading over the words. Should he even give this boy the light of day after what he had put him through. Harry knew the answer was probably no. But he also knew that he was definitely going to reply to him nonetheless.

Hey. It's been a while. Haha. I was thinking maybe we should call privately before we do any group things? I want to make sure you comfortable any everything. Hope you're doing well. Loved the new album. -L


I hope you enjoyed the start of this story! To keep up to date, follow my instagram and tiktok! Both @/louiesunite ((:

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I Love You to the Moon and Back | 1d reunion. l.s.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz