if only.

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27th of April, 2020: 18:00.

It's been over twenty-four hours since Louis had messaged Harry. It's been over twenty-four hours since Louis has been left on read. Louis felt like he was constantly picking up his phone to see if he gotten anything from Harry, but nonetheless, he hadn't. He probably deserved this from him. Louis had practically ghosted him for five years after they had broken up. He just felt like Harry needed to not dwell on him anymore and needed to focus on his own self as well as his own music. Louis stared down at his phone for a few moments, eyes glazing over before he got attacked by a big fluffy dog. He chuckled as Clifford jumped up onto the couch with a ball then began nudging Louis' chest and licking his face for attention. Louis petted his curls and tossed his phone in his pocket then sat up properly.

"Okay, okay, c'mere big guy," he said, picking up the slobbery ball before walking out to his backyard. The sun was slowly setting, but there was definitely enough light to play for about twenty minutes. He began to throw the ball down his big backyard as hard as he could. He wasn't eating all that well and rarely exercised so the ball only managed to make half the backyard. After a few throws in, Louis felt his pocket buzz. Instantly, he dropped the ball by his feet and took out his phone, causing Clifford to bark in disagreement at Louis' actions. Clifford wasn't done playing yet. Louis barely ever walked the dog, so it made sense why Clifford had so much energy all the time. He quickly looked down at his screen to see the message, sighing almost immediately when it was just Liam.

Hey! Facetime at 7pm? -LP

Louis just sighed, feeling immediately disappointed in the fact that Harry still hadn't responded to his text messages. He knows he shouldn't be angry. He shouldn't be allowed to be angry, but this definitely ground his gears. He looked back at the message he sent Harry, it still having the read underneath it with no typing dots. He sighed then went back to message Liam.

We gonna have everyone? -LT

Everyone but Zayn, yep. Still trying to talk to him privately about it. -LP

Algood. Keep me updated, Payno. -LT

As he clicked send, he pocketed his phone once again and looked down at his dog patiently sitting by Louis' feet for him to throw the ball once again. He smiled at him then turned his head to an all too familiar face calling his name.

7th of September, 2015

"Hey, sun, dinner's almost ready. Set the table while I make the gravy?" The man called from the porch. Louis swivelled around and smiled distantly at the curly headed lad and nodded.
"Sure thing, Haz," Louis called back before trudging back inside.
He put down the plates and cutlery for him and Harry then sat down and patiently waited, scrolling through a few tweets on his phone. Once the food was set out, he carefully placed some chicken and mashed potato on his plate before silently eating the food. The two of them have been silent all day. Louis knew he had to bring up the conversation eventually, but it's something that he just wasn't prepared for. Harry looked over at his plate and frowned at the lack of vegetable Louis had taken.
"I hope you're going to have some veges?" Harry asked gently.
"Don't feel like any," Louis muttered in response.
"Oh, okay," Harry replied carefully, not wanting to cause too much of an argument right now. He knew how fragile everything was.

The conversation ran to an end right then and there as they both mindlessly played with their food, every now and then putting it into their mouths. Louis hadn't had much of an appetite since he woke up because of what he knew was going to happen today, while Harry only just lost his appetite then when Louis had just dismissed him. After Louis had finished the majority of his mash potato and chicken, he took his plate into the kitchen then leaned on the counter. Harry's back was facing him.
"Can we talk about something?" Louis mumbled out, barely even audible as his heart pounded. He wasn't even sure if this is what he wanted or what he thought he wanted.


"I made some pizza for dinner, Lou! Just about to come out of the oven. I'll bring it to the porch in about ten minutes. Sound good?" Luke said as he ran a hand through his hair to which Louis happily smiled at.
"That honestly sounds absolutely perfect," Louis replied as Luke nodded.
Luke Malak. This lad had been around since Louis was a little kid. The pair of them never had any intentions of dating, let alone living together and nearly being together for two years. It all happened completely out of the blue. Around 2018, Louis began to catch small feelings for the lad. It was nothing like he felt for Harry, but it definitely gave him butterflies. Luke trusted him. He knew, of course, that Louis still had feelings for Harry and he didn't blame him either. Harry and Louis were each other's first love. First sexual experience. First boyfriend. First roommate. So, Luke understood. But, he also trusted the lad to want to be with him rather than just run back to Harry because of a few drunk messages.

While Louis waited, he threw the ball a few more times for Clifford before Luke brought out a pizza for them to share. Just a classic meat lovers pizza. Louis smiled and threw the ball one last time before jogging over to the porch. He sat down at the wooden table they had and grabbed a slice of pizza, shoving it into his mouth. Louis felt like he had had an orgasm right then, the pizza was that good. He groaned in delight as he ate the slice, glancing up at Luke with a messy smile to which Luke laughed at.
       "Has Harry replied?" Luke asked, eating his slice a bit more politely.
       Louis shook his head, "nope. Left me on read."
       "Damn. Must be hard for the lad with all this reunion talk. Does he know about us?"
       "I haven't spoken to him in five years. He kind of distanced himself from Liam and Niall after him and I broke up as well, so I don't imagine he does know. I think he's been dating though, so I'm not sure he should be too sad to hear about us. Hopefully just happy that I found someone?"
Luke nodded in return before leaning into the palm of his hand. They sat in a content silence as Clifford hung around their feet, waiting for any food to drop for him to eat.
       "I've never told you this, but I've liked you since high school," Luke eventually broke the silence to which Louis widened his eyes.
       "Why did you never tell me?" Louis replied with a full mouth.
       Luke chuckled, "finish your mouthful, babe."
       "I didn't think you were gay. You were dating Hannah. Then once you broke up with her, you practically started dating Harry seconds after. I didn't have much of a chance, Louis."
       "Oh, man. That must've sucked for you!" Louis laughed teasingly.
       "Yeah, yeah, well look who won in the long run, aye? Good ol' hot Luke!"
       "Just because the fans call you that, does not give you the right to call yourself that. Give it a break, big guy," he smirked.

The pizza was soon cleaned up by the two boys after about twenty minutes. The sun had almost fully gone down and it was beginning to get dark. The pair walked inside with their plates. Louis placed his on the counter before leaving Luke to the dishes to go to his bedroom and call the boys. The thought of Harry being on the call made his heart flutter slightly. Something he didn't need to tell Luke about. Louis opened up his MacBook and waited for Liam to create the call. It took no longer than five minutes before he heard the lad ringing. He answered the phone.
       "Liam!! Mate! How's it going!" Louis cheered happily just as Niall entered the call, Niallerr!! Crazy!"
The pair of them cheered back before clapping their hands. The final face popped up onto Louis' screen. He bit his lip and looked at him for a few seconds before quickly looking away. There was no way of Harry knowing that Louis had been looking at him, but it still made him blush slightly. Gosh, he just hadn't changed. Not at all. He was still as gorgeously handsome as Louis could remember. He just had shorter hair. Louis would've tried to argue for him to not cut it all off, but he liked the cut nonetheless. It was strange seeing the lad all matured. He seemed a little tired in the eyes. Louis more or less knew why. It wasn't hard to know that Harry wasn't completely thrilled about seeing Louis again, even if it was just for the fans.

Louis just wondered what it would be like if they were still together. If they never split up. If they would be married. If they would have kids. If they would be out. If only Louis knew what the future would've held. If only he knew whether it might've been a bad idea. If only he knew. If only.


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