four faces.

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27th of April, 2020. 19:30

The boys were more then pleased to be seeing each other all in one frame again. It was strange to be apart and distant from one another for such a long period of time, but they understood that it needed to happen so they could all focus on their own mental health. It was a hard decision to make all those years ago, but a necessary one. Louis and Niall didn't actually want the band to break up originally, both believing they would be forgotten about. Louis considered dropping out from the limelight and only being a writer for other artists but the death of his mother had a toll on him and convinced him that he needed to keep his mother's dream alive.

At first, Harry was rather silent. He was eating his dinner while he sat on his couch with the laptop placed on his lap. Louis bit his lip. he knew Harry was ignoring him. He knew why as well.
"Whatcha eating for dinner, Hazza?" Niall asked, moving closer to the screen as if it would make him see Harry's food more. Harry tilted his bowl to show a square of lasagna.
"Mitch brought me lasagna yesterday. I'm just finishing it off," Harry replied, smiling at the camera before putting another spoonful in his mouth.
Louis smiled fondly at Harry then quickly looked down at his lap to stop himself from staring. He had a boyfriend. He shouldn't be feeling all jiggly from Harry anymore. He distracted himself by grabbing a nearby guitar and putting it on his lap. He strummed gently, glancing up every now and then while Liam began to speak business.
"Alright, so lads. I was thinking that we should almost definitely do something on our 10 year anniversary. A decade is a crazy number and we wouldn't be here without all our fans. It's what they deserve," everyone nodded in agreement, "So where are your guys' heads at? I know we literally all just released new albums. But what are we thinking? Something small? Something big? Back together? Just a music video?"
Louis was first to step in as he leaned on his guitar, "I think that we shouldn't give hope for something bigger than a music video just yet. Maybe start with just that and see how well we work together once again. I haven't seen Harry in five years. Might be a bit weird if we just all hopped into a band again?"
"I would be happy for the band to get back together," Harry added on, essentially ignoring what Louis had just said, "I would be interested in seeing if we could work something out along those lines, but yeah. I think we should plan for at least two weeks to figure out what is genuinely possible and what is actually a good idea."
All the boys nodded. Louis leaned back in his office chair, contemplating whether there was anything for him to actually say or add. He didn't want to say anything that would upset Harry, but he also didn't want to be ignored by him.

The four of them took the rest of the time to catch up with one another once they had finished discussing all the formal stuff. It had been five years since all of then had chatted like this. It felt nice. Natural. Even Harry and Louis had a few laughs together too.
"I almost got a tattoo last week just for the pure fact that I hadn't gotten a tattoo in years," Louis brought up as a silence began to roll in.
"Ha, I do that every couple of years. I think I go back the pain," Harry replied cheekily.
"Yin yang?" Louis tested Harry.
Harry's head fell into his hands as he let out a loud cackle into them.
"How's Luke, Louis?" Liam interjected.
Liam knew that Harry had no idea about Louis and his new boyfriend. He didn't particular want to tell him yet either. Louis' heart dropped as he glanced over to Harry who was clearly trying not to frown. Louis took a small breath and clenched his teeth. Liam the shit. He was definitely going to pay for this later.
"Fine," was all Louis said. Harry and Louis were fine right now in this exact moment, why on earth did Liam find that a good idea.
"You two are cute," Liam added on. This caused Harry to frown deeper as Niall just cautiously watched everything unfold.
"Well, it's getting late. I should probably start getting ready for bed and all that," Harry said softly, "See you all sometime relatively soon, I suppose."
And with that, Harry hung up the phone and left the three boys on the call in an awkward silence. Louis cleared his throat slightly.
"What'd you do that for? You knew that he didn't know," Louis said, trying to keep his cool.
"I knew you weren't going to tell him. The sooner he knew, the better, Louis," Liam replied with a small sigh.
"I was going to tell him. I just wanted to warm up to him again first."
"You say that, but first it starts with warming up, then it's you want to be his friend first, then you say it's not the right time because he told you he has feelings for you still, then you cheat on Luke and get with Harry. I'm not going to let you ruin you relationship with Harry as well as Luke. Now, Harry knows. He can warm up to the information and not be let down when he thinks you're falling for him again. You were almost certainly going to hurt him again Louis, and I don't think it'd be fair."

Louis sat after that silent. He knew Liam was right. Liam was always right. Even if Louis didn't want him to be right. He just had a way of figuring out Louis' next move before Louis even thought of it. He was that predictable. The boys all slowly said their goodbyes and eventually left the video call. Louis shut his laptop lid and put his guitar back. Gradually, he rose to his feet and walked into the lounge, crawling onto the couch and up into Luke's side. He mentally reminded himself how happy he was with Luke. How Luke is his now and Harry was just something he had the honour of having in the past. He continuously said this over and over in his head. As Luke wrapped an arm around Louis and pulled him close, Louis stared blanked at the television. He unfocused his eyes so that everything was blurry. All Louis wanted was for Harry to not hate him anymore.

After Harry left the call, he shut he laptop lid and roughly bit his lip. He stood up and ran a hand through his hair. All he could think about right now was the fact that Louis had moved on. Louis had a new partner. That he wasn't the one for Louis, even when he genuinely believed they were meant to be soulmates. It was bullshit. Everything was bullshit. Harry's thoughts rushed around his head. Everything began to build up as he created these stories in his head that Louis never even loved him. He probably loved Luke all along, Harry thought. He knew Luke as long as he had known Louis almost, so that was the most logical scenario in his head, even if it wasn't true. He just hated the idea of of not having something that he so desperately wanted. It wasn't fair. Abruptly, Harry punched a hand through his wall, instantly collapsing to the floor as tears rushed down his face. His hand was shaking and slowly tinting red. His knuckles began to bleed. Bullshit! Harry pulled out his phone, nibbling on his lip to try and calm himself down as he shakily began dialling an old number. He sniffled. After he wiped his eyes, the person on the other line picked up.
"Hello, Harry? Why are you calling?" The voice felt so familiar, Harry could almost freeze in coldness of it. He leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes.
"Come over?" Harry muttered quietly into the phone.
"Why?" they replied hesitantly.
"I know it's been a while, but I just need to talk to you."
"Why me?"
"Because, crazily enough, I want to talk to you the most right now."
"What about that friend of yours? Michael?"
"Mitch isn't who I want to talk to."
"Mitch, right. Uh, fuck Harry. It's been so long. I just don't get why?"
"Please? I live in the same place."
"Fine, yeah, okay. I'll be there in fifteen minutes..."
"Thank you, see you soon"
"Yeah, see you soon."
They then hung up. Harry wiped his eyes and stood up. He walked into the kitchen and got bandages to wrap around his hand. The damage in the wall looked worse than it had made his fist. He looked down at his bandaged hand and then sighed. It'll be good to see Zayn again. Harry thought, waiting for the man to arrive.


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