Thor x M Reader PT.2

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Revived Sparks

Summary: After the events of Infinity War, The Reader and Thor attempted to mend their past to no avail. They're in the Endgame now

Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)

Pairing: Thor x Reader

Extra(s): This is the Part Two to my previous Thor fic; The Last Roses

"So...You need me to be there... Why?" You'd spoken, eyebrow arched, and keeping eye contact with Steve and Natasha.

"Well as acting director of S.H.I.E.L.D., we figured that you'd want to be there. To oversee this." Natasha spoke.

They'd just finished explaining the plan that they had. To pull off some sort of time heist. All that after barging into the headquarters and demanding to speak to whoever was in charge.

"It all sounds like some shit from out of a comic book. Again, what do I need to be there for."

"Some shit out of a comic book? You've fucked a god before, Y/n. How's that for some shit out of a comic book." Natasha crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently.

"It sounds like I should grab my coat." You stood from your desk, cheeks burning red.

This is how you found yourself sitting in the back of a pickup truck with Professor Hulk and some sort of Talking Raccoon. The two of you were on the way to New Asgard. From what you could tell it was somewhere in Norway.

The ride up there had you thinking back to the day that you last saw Thor.

You'd had one of the best nights of sleep of your entire career. Arms wrapped around the only boyfriend you'd ever had. The term having been used loosely, given the on-again-off-again nature of the relationship.

There was never really any other reason why the two of you separated so often except that the two of you had conflicting schedules for the most part. It gets kind of hard trying to schedule dates and meetups when there's always some sort of crisis. Whether it was on earth or on a completely different planet entirely. It didn't exactly help that you couldn't go with him to Asgard.
A groan came from your lips. Expecting a grumble or a shuffle in response, instead, you received silence. Opening your eyes, there was a bundle of sheets where the God should've been.
"I don't know why I expected it to be different this time." You spoke aloud to no one in particular. With a sigh, you'd rolled out of bed and entered the kitchen, the first thing you had noticed was the missing vase.
In place of the said vase was a crudely written note.
' Dear, Y/n
I'm needed elsewhere.
Thor. '
Some note. You scoffed at the words and rolled your eyes. The nerve of that man.
You'd prepared your breakfast and waited for the entire day for the god to return. Hopefully, the two of you could finally bunker down somewhere and actually start a relationship.

But he never came back. Not for the entire five years.
On the ride up there you saw the most beautiful field of flowers. It spanned for miles. "Hey, Banner. Watch this." You smiled as you grabbed the smallest pebble, and threw it into the field.

Just as you expected, it exploded out into a brilliance of colors.

"Woah... I've never seen anything like that in my life. Where did they..."

"They're native to Asgard. We're close." You cut him off, sighing softly and staring off into the field

"You sure it's a good idea to bring him? I heard that he and Thor had a rocky past." Rocket asked, being cautious enough to whisper.

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