Chapter 6

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Alice woke up early in the morning from the sound of rain and the freezing feeling in her toes. "How are you guys still asleep it's six in the morning..." Alice nudged Hunter and he groaned, "Wake me up later!" He sleepily said has he slummed deeper into his sleeping bag, "Dre what about you?" Alice pulled his pillow off his face, Drew was drooling and he had black circles under his eyes "Did you even get any sleep?" He shook his head and rolled over onto his face. Alice rolled her eyes and went to the food bag. "Lets see strawberry pop-tarts and... okay maybe I can go to the gas station to get some ice and a movie.." Alice grabbed a piece of paper, wrote down where she was going and grabbed her hoodie still wearing her pajamas. Has she walked Alice kept looking around her just in cause she got attack, "Stop being paranoid." she yelled at her self and kept walking.

When Alice finally reached the gas station it was seven, she lost the feeling in her hands, and her nose was red. Probably why the cashier looked at her weird, or because she had guy pants on and a light grey t-shirt that said Panic! At the disco on it. She grabbed three turkey sandwiches for lunch, a box of Fruit Loops, a small carton of milk, batteries, baby wipes, and the Don't Be Afraid of the Dark movie all just for 25 dollars. "Have you heard about the ladies that were murdered yesterday and the three kids that where their's that went missing?" Alice looked at the blond haired green eyed cashier and shook her head, "Oh well stay dry kid." Alice nodded and started walking back to the cabin, alone in the cold.

"Finally she's back!" Hunter yelled has he jumped over the couch and gave her a hug, "Holy crud you're wet and cold!" Hunter screamed has he let go of the wet girl, "Well you guys were asleep still so I went out to go get somethings." Hunter looked in the bag and took out the Fruit Loops "I'll get some bowls and spoons." Alice nodded and started to unload the rest of the bag,.
"Are we doing anything today?" Alice asked.
"We were going to particle combat, but it's raining so let's just relax and watch some tv."
"We have a tv?"
"Yeah all those times I wasn't hanging out with you guys I was upgrading the cabin."
"So what's new I'm too lazy to look around the house."
"Well the tv, I found out your Dad put in a bath room, that's why that door was boarded up, and a small plug in fridge in the back, oh and I guess the couch unfolds into a bed it's one of those things."
"Wow!" Alice replied, then she looked at still sleeping Dre "Why is Dre still asleep, he would be up by now?" Hunter took a deep breath "He stayed up last night trying to help you stop crying and screaming." Alice raised her eyebrow, "I wasn't crying or screaming last night." Hunter shock his head, "You had three night terrors each lasted about 17 minutes and took Dre 25 minutes to claim you down all the way." Alice felt bad for her friends having to hear her scream and cry all night, "What was the dream about anyway?" Alice didn't want to talk about her dream, it was just to terrifying to go threw again. "Oh umm... nothing, just what happened." Hunter nodded and took a bite of his cereal, "Can I scare Dre?" Alice asked, "I guess but he took care of you last night so choice wisely!" Alice thought for a moment, "Why didn't you help? You knew me longer." Hunter coughed up some fruit loops. "I do not know, just thought he should help you instead of me." Alice still didn't get it but just shook it off and crept over to Dre, but instead of screaming in his ear she gently shook his arm, "Dre wake up." Dre moaned and sat up. "What time is it?" He asked has he rubbed his eyes, Alice looked at her wrist has if it had a watch on it, "It's nine o'clock.". "What you didn't make me up!?" He complained, "You looked peaceful and crap, I didn't think I should wake you!" Alice shouted and step out side.
"She knows it's raining right?" Dre strayed laughing and looked out the window, "She is just siting in the rain, shouldn't we make her come back inside so she doesn't get sick?"
"Na she is just cooling off!" Hunter joked.
"Yeah but we should you're girlfriend will freeze to death."
"Dre.." Hunter pinched the arch of his nose and shook his head, "You know Alice and I are not dating."
"Well are you going to ask her?"
"I'll ask her at the right moment." Hunter huffed and opened the door, "Alice get in here so we can all eat breakfast and crud!" Alice hesitated, got up and walked inside with water dripping from her nice clothes and straight hair.

Alice changed into a black t-shirt and gray sweat and sat down with the boys for some breakfast, "So what are we going to do today?" Dre asked Alice with Fruit Loops in his mouth, "Breakfast, Movie, Lunch, then I don't know.." Hunter butted in "Just relax idiots!" Dre nodded in agreement, "Yes relaxing by the fire watching a scary movie." Hunter shoved his elbow into Dre's ribs.
"Is there a joke I'm missing here?"
"Not a joke, Hunter was jut going to ask you if-" Hunter elbowed him even harder and he yelped, "Boys.." Alice rolled her eyes and started unfolding the couch into a bed. "Whose ready for the scary movie cause I'm freaking tired!" Alice jumped onto the bed/couch and hide under the blanket. "Ally you are a bunch of weird!" Dre said has he plopped down on the floor, "Shut up! And you can be on the couch you know!" Alice said has pocked her head up from the blanket shell, "Reasons, wink wink." (he did say wink wink not the action of winking) "Dre shut your mouth!" Hunter yelled has he tackled Dre. Alice ignored their girly wrestling and fearfully closed her eyes. (Sorry if this chapter was boring, I did not know what to put down. Please tell me what should be in the next chapter and when Hunter should ask Alice start (May the shipping begin) and how he does it. thanks ~ McrGirl101

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