Mike's POV
Susanna says "Joel was going to frame her with drugs so she would run away from the law and be gone because he got jealous of her popularity. She wasn't like ego popular she was so nice to everyone and would help anyone she could. I found him one day placing the books in her locker and he paid me 500 dollars to keep my mouth shut basically cause he knew I was her closest friend. I have no idea how that creepy person got her twitter though I know Joel doesn't know how to hack worth shit so its completely unrelated to this. I just miss her she was amazing." I say "why did no one in that room say anything then yesterday?" She says "because there was a rumor that Joel brought a gun to school everyday and that rumor was proven true today. I never knew this would get this out of hand I'm so sorry. I'm not apologizing for him I'm doing it cause it feels right." I say "thank you. How do I know you aren't lying though?" She says "you don't. I mean you can try to prove it." I say "ok. What about the stuff packed as if she was going to run away?" Susanna says "when she went missing she was going to bring a bag and a burner phone but Joel held her at gun point telling her she shouldn't or he would shoot." I say "I found a suicide note also what is that about?" Susanna says "the one thing that Joel said was true is that she wasn't very stable with her mental health. She would put everyone before herself so much it would overwhelm her a lot." I say "ok everything is linking together. Kid, am I missing anything?" He says "I don't know!" I say "Jesus Christ. Ok. What about the sentences circled in the books that were in the locker?" She says "that was his idiotic way of trying to throw you guys off." I say "your sister knew it, I gotta thank her when were done." Finneas says "yeah she's kind of a genius when it comes to codes." I say "she is. Ummm I don't have anything else I don't think." She says "thank you. I appreciate you believing me after what I've put you through I wouldn't believe me." I say "you're welcome. its chill, dude." Susanna says "if you need to ask me questions about it you know where to find me." I say "even if I don't know where you are I'll still find you just remember that." She says "you know it" shyly. I can tell she's telling the truth. We walk to the front and I say "do I need to make a phone call for your parents or are you good?" She says "I'm good." Chief says "so that went well?" I say "yes, it did. She told me everything. She was being paid to keep her mouth shut about the whole thing. So, we need to get that punk in here for questioning then we can make a decision." Everyone cheers and I jokingly say "no cheering." We all laugh and Billie says "what about the books?" I say "they're completely useless. Only keep them for fingerprints if not burn them, rip them, I don't give a shit." Chief says "the kid gets out tomorrow." I say "I'm ready for tomorrow. I hate that kid but I'm ready." Chief says "Tony's not allowed back until Monday. He can come back but he can't do anything outside this building." I say "thats fair. He might not like that but he'll survive." Chief says "he'll live." I say "well thank you everyone for working late yesterday. That means you can get out early as in early I mean right now." Everyone cheers and I say "I left a teenager and a young adult girl at my house all day so I gotta go assess the damage. I mean one can't walk but thats not the point." Everyone laughs and Finneas says "good luck. I'm stealing Taylor from you later." I say "just let me know when." Billie says "I might come hang out with the girls in an hour or so." I say "ok go for it I guess." I go to my car and I see a prescription bag in the drivers seat with a sticky note that says you're welcome. I text Vic saying thank you. I leave the parking lot and drive to the house. I walk into the house and I hear giggling and laughing coming from upstairs. I smile and look at the prescription bottle I mumble "holy shit that is the strong shit." I grab a couple of the double sized water bottles from the fridge and the bottle of pills. I go to Angelicas room and knock on the door. I hear Lilly yell something in French. I chuckle and Angelica says "come in!" I go in, shut the door, and hand her the water and the pills. She says "every 8 hours right?" I say "mhmm. So what's it like being in bed all day. Day one?" She says "day one is normally nice but annoying then the rest after that are boring and sweaty." I say "understandable." She takes the pill and says "what did you do all day?" I say "my day was very eventful and not in the way I want it to be." I lay on the floor and drum on the floor next to me. Angelica says "how?" I say "your dads in the hospital. He's fine though and I swore off kids for the rest of my life unless they are my own already." Lilly says "interesting. Why?" I say "punk shot Tony so I shot the dude in the knees and I have to interrogate him tomorrow. Woohoo fun." Lilly says "your work is very eventful." I say "it really is. Its boring on days where I just look at files and the internet but others are quite suspenseful. We have a lot of fun though."

The Badasses Are Back [PERRENTES] {BOOK 4}Where stories live. Discover now