Mike's POV
Once I get Kellin in the ambulance I tell a nurse "hey he was drugged so whatever's in his system he didn't put there." She says "ok, thank you Mr. Fuentes." I say "no problem." There's a bunch of people out front of the school and I find a kid that was in Kellins class and I say "yo dude, can I ask you some questions?" He says "sure?" I say "what did the guy that came into the room and shot your teacher do?" The kid says "the guy shoved a needle into Mr. Quinns arm, shot him, and ran." I say "weird. Ok what did the guy look like?" The kids says "he was kind of tall and seemed oddly experienced." I say "ok thanks kid." He says "yeah sure." I walk away and I run into a kid and its Angelica mumbling "why does this keep happening?" I say "I don't know, sweetheart. I don't like it either." She says "just our luck I guess." I chuckle and say "yup" kissing her forehead. A guy says "Angelica! Are you cheating on me?!" I give Angelica a glare and she says "sorry dad." I say "easy buddy" gesturing to the kid. I say "how long?" Raising an eyebrow. Her cheeks go red saying "2 months." I say "cool." Her boyfriend comes up to me all fired up saying "who do you think you are?!" I smirk and Angelica says "dad don't pull anything stupid or I'll go get dad" rolling her eyes. I say "come on, I was gonna mess with him! It would've been funny!" Angelica says "I'll get dad." I say "fine. I'll be nice" rolling my eyes. She walks away probably to still find Tony cause she doesn't trust me interacting with people. I say "just so were clear I'm not afraid of you." The kid says "you should be." I say "it should be the other way around. I'm not afraid of many. It takes a lot to freak me out." Taylor comes up to me saying "hey dad" flicking my arm and bro hugging Angelica's boyfriend. Taylor says "dude, he's crazy I wouldn't go near him" sarcastically, pointing at me. I say "mhm and you aren't?" Taylor pushes my shoulder saying "yeah yeah whatever." Angelicas boyfriend says "who's this guy anyways? He's trying to steal my girl." I burst out laughing and I say "she's my daughter." The kid laughs and says "dude, I'm so sorry. I'm Hunter" shaking my hand. I say "good lord my children are dating people I'm feeling old." Taylor says "jeez dad. You aren't that old. You're a functioning badass adult that looks younger than he is." I say "ok thats pretty true." I feel someone lean against me saying "and your ego is equivalent to a teenager. It keeps you young." I roll my eyes saying "rude." Tony says "too bad. You should check on Vic. He's beating himself up over Kellin." I sigh and say "ok, I'll be back" kissing Tony's forehead. I find Vic and he mumbles "god, why did this happen?" I put my hands on his shoulders saying "its hard I know but he will be just fine in a couple hours and well be laughing and all hanging out in a hospital room as we normally do." Vic says "its the worst ya know?" Resting his head on my shoulder. I say "I know it really sucks. It really does." Vic says "something like this always happens and it sucks for everyone a little less every time but it still sucks." I say "because its becoming a normal thing now. Which really is awful but its just how our lives work." Vic says "you're right. I'm gonna go." I say "k. Let me know if you need anything." He nods getting into a police cars, probably to go trade it for his. I go over to Tony, hugging him from behind and leaning my head into the crook of his neck. Tony says "hi?" I say "hi" breathing in his scent. He leans against me and I say "I think this sucks for everyone." Tony mumbles "yeah it really does. Kellin is just amazing to all of us and flies under the radar doing it. I don't think we thank him enough." I say "we really don't" kissing his neck. Taylor says "I'm going to go find Finneas." I say "thats cool go for it." He leaves, Brian following. Tony says "they have a really strong relationship for like never seeing each other." I say "true. I think its really cool." Tony says "mhm. It is." I pull away and Tony says "no come back." I smile, turning him around, kissing him. I say "come on we gotta check on everyone." Tony says "ok" loosely taking my hand. We walk up to the front of everyone and Billie says "what are we doing?" I say "umm did the whole school get checked? I hear Kiara say "yup. No one in there." I nod saying "ok. Well we have to search a room if absolutely anyone has any questions I'll be out in a few minutes." Finneas says "nah he's gonna get laid!" The adults and the older kids laugh and Tony rolls his eyes and I say "you're going to get fired I swear." Finneas says "mhm" rolling his eyes. Tony turns to me saying "what room are we searching?" I say "I'll tell you in a second." He nods and we go inside. I say "Kellins room he was drugged and I'm going to try and find evidence." He nods saying "ok" grabbing my hand. I kiss his knuckles and he smiles, blushing lightly. We get to the room and I open the door, looking around. We walk in and I find a syringe. I grab it saying "we'll have the lab swab this. Not for DNA but whats in it." Tony says "could use it for DNA too though." I say "true" taking the needle off the syringe carefully and putting the syringe part in my pocket. I find a sharp objects bin and put the needle part of the syringe in it. Tony says "I didn't know you could take needles off a syringe that easily?" I say "just twist and pull" kissing him, sliding the syringe into my pocket. I look around saying "I think thats it." Tony mumbles "ok, kiss me then." I peck his lips and I say "race you?" He says "fine" running down the stairs.

The Badasses Are Back [PERRENTES] {BOOK 4}Where stories live. Discover now