❀ i.c. ❀

434 26 5

"Come on, come on, come on..."

I gripped my phone tightly, not daring to let my gaze wander from the screen for even a second.

With a shaky breaths and hands, I tapped the screen slowly, then mentally prayed to any god I could think of.

My eyes burned after not blinking for so long. They lowered and struggled to a squint, an indication of them pleading for the sweet, sweet replenishment of moisture.

After some time had passed, I gave in and closed my eyes, relishing in their re-hydration. That joy, however, was short-lived once I opened them again in order to focus on the task at hand.

I stared at the phone in front of me, my fingers hovering over its screen hesitantly.

At last, I pressed the "confirm" button that had been glaring at me for so long.

And I waited.

Bright colors took over the screen momentarily, before fading away into complete white.

A familiar tune played before grey completely overtook the screen.

Knowing the color's symbolism, I tore my gaze away from it and flung the phone onto a nearby pillow.

Right at that moment, the door to my house unlocked and opened.

At the sound of shuffling by the front, I immediately ran out of my room with tears threatening to fall. I quickly made a bee-line for the man that just entered.

Before he could even look up to greet me, I launched myself towards him and wrapped my arms around his torso.

He let out a surprised yelp and staggered backwards, before regaining his balance.


I looked up into his magenta-colored eyes, my vision blurring as I did so. I opened my mouth and let out a small wail.


I sobbed afterwards and buried my face in his chest.

Itaru stared at me confusedly, then slowly returned the hug.

"What happened?" He asked with hesitation.

"I... I used up all my gems, and STILL didn't get the event SSR," I whimpered before breaking down right there in his arms.

An awkward silence enveloped the atmosphere, before being broken by a quiet mumble from Itaru.

"What was that?"

He looked down for a moment, before meeting my eyes with an equally teary-eyed gaze.

"It's okay, I didn't either."

The two of us stared at each other's blurry figures for a good minute.

My head then plopped back onto his chest as his grip tightened around me, our wails of despair filling the room's previous silence and echoing throughout the house.


This is how I felt after doing 30 pulls for the Clockwork Heart and still not getting the SR Itaru card. In fact, I didn't get ANY of the event cards! 😔

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