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Cassie woke up at eight the next morning and took a shower, eager to get outside for some sightseeing. When she had dried herself and gotten dressed she headed out the door. She stopped before she opened it, noticing a note that someone must have slipped under the door. She leaned down to pick it up and unfolded it.

Hi Cassie,
We were wondering if you would like to eat dinner with us tonight in our room at 7?
H & L

Dinner with Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson? Who would say no to that? She had never really listened to One Direction or their solo careers but they were both gorgeous and apparently very gay. She found a pen and scribble a yes on the back of the note and slipped it under their door on her way out.  

After a lovely day outside in Paris, she got ready and knocked at her neighbor's door at seven. Harry opened it with a smile.
"Cassie! Come in! I'm sorry we're having dinner in here but we're trying to fly under the radar."

"It's totally fine. Thanks for the invite. You really didn't have to do that." Cassie answered and returned the smile.

"It's our pleasure." Louis answered and showed her to a dining room table and they all sat down.

"We couldn't find any posts about our meeting yesterday. Thank you." Harry said as soon as they were seated.

"Of course not. I promised I wouldn't. But why aren't you out in the open by now?" Cassie had to ask. 

Harry and Louis exchanged a look.
"We can't really talk about it, Cassie. Let's just say that we're not allowed yet." Louis answered.

"That's so horrible. I'm sorry." Cassie replied with empathy.

"It is what it is." Louis answered with a shoulder shrug.

Harry caressed his arm briefly before he turned to Cassie with a smile.
"So, room service. What would you like to eat?"

Louis handed her a menu. They all decided to get the burger plate and Louis called in their order.
"Tell us a little about yourself." Harry encouraged while they waited for their food to arrive.

"I'm from London. I go to an art school. I'm 24 years old." Cassie answered with a smile.

"Art school? Cool!" Harry replied. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He continued.

"Or girlfriend, don't be like that Haz!" Louis chipped in.

Cassie laughed.
"No, I don't have a boyfriend at the moment. I'm just enjoying single life."

"Great!" Harry grinned.

Okay, what was up with those two? They kept on looking at each other like they had an exciting secret. There was a knock on the door and Louis got up to get the food. In the meantime, Harry was staring at her blankly.
"Do I have something on my face?" Cassie asked.

Harry broke out in a dimpled smile.
"No, I'm sorry. I'm being rude."

Cassie had to take a calming breath. Harry Styles was one gorgeous man. Louis came back with the food and they all started to eat. Louis put his utensils down after a while.
"So Cassie, we have a proposition for you."

"Okay? Let's hear it." Cassie answered curiously.

Louis exchanged a look with Harry again before he continued.
"Ehm, Harry and I are actually here to celebrate our tenth anniversary."

"Wow! You've been together all this time? That's so awesome! Congratulations." Cassie beamed.

"Thanks, and no, we broke up a few times. Too much pressure but we always find our way back to each other, don't we love?" Louis said with a fond smile directed at Harry.

"We do. The last couple of years have been really good and we always celebrated our anniversary." Harry beamed.

"I'm not letting you go this time." Louis replied.

Cassie watched their interaction with a smile.
"You're so sweet."

"Thanks." Harry said and blushed.

"Anyhow, ehm, just know that it's absolutely okay to say no to what I'm about to propose and I hope that this conversation never leaves this room." Louis said and locked eyes with Cassie.

"Of course. What is it?" Cassie wondered.

"Ehm..." Louis let out a nervous chuckle. "Do you by any chance want to have a threesome with us?"

Cassie's mouth fell to the floor.

"God, that was so blunt. I wanted to do something special for Harry and it's kind of a fantasy of mine." Louis said and blushed.

"So I would have sex with both of you? Why me?" Cassie asked. She couldn't believe it.

"No we both would have sex with Harry. I mean, he would have sex with you and I with him." Louis smirked.

"And you're really cute and you didn't tell anyone about us being here and what you saw last night." Harry chipped in.

Cassie stared at them in disbelief.
"So, let's see if I got this right. Only Harry would have sex with me and you would have sex with him at the same time?"

"That's the idea. I play for the other team completely sweetheart but Harry's bi. There are conditions though." Louis answered.

"Like?" Cassie questioned.   

"You can't kiss him and you can't touch him. Only I get to do that. I'll tell him what to do as well." Louis stated firmly.

"So you're gonna tie me up?" Cassie questioned, sounding amused. 

"Yeah." Louis answered.

Cassie stayed quiet and looked between them.
"I told you this was a bad idea Boo." Harry muttered.

Cassie finally opened her mouth.
"So you're telling me that I get to have sex with the most gorgeous man on this planet, sorry Louis you're the second gorgeous man on this planet."

Louis just shrugged his shoulders with a smirk and Harry blushed. Cassie continued. "AND I  get to see the two of you have sex? That's like every girl's wet dream come true. I'm not slutty but hell, count me in!"

"Yeah? You actually agree to this?" Louis asked.

"I hope you don't feel forced." Harry said in a concerned voice.

Cassie rolled her eyes.
"No, of course not Harry. I'm saying yes from my own free will."

"You can't tell anyone about this." Louis said, sounding worried.

"Who would even believe me? I would sound crazy." Cassie smirked.

Harry and Louis chuckled.
"So when do you wanna do this? Now?" Cassie asked.

"Uhm, just think it over for a day so you're sure you really want to do this." Harry suggested.

She so was gonna do this.

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