Chapter 1: Elegance before

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"New Book Hope you enjoy it.

"Rebecca Black,. this is my name... Why am I an orphan?,who are my parents? What happened to them?, I sensed a presence in the house. Mom and dad are back. well my foster mom and dad.

I finished a drawing in my book of art. I headed downstairs to see my foster parents hovering over a boy. the boy was losing blood by the parents are doctors so they grabbed his wounded arm injecting a needle in him while he was laying on the couch moving his arms and legs like a bird trying to be free.
the boy had curly long brown hair green emerald eyes and a very young looking face almost my age. my foster parents turned around. my foster parents turned pale then they told me to go to sleep. i felt very suspicious that they were hiding something from me... And I was going to find out.

I walked downstairs quietly I saw the boy on the couch....watching TV???
Well at least it's better than him being asleep. I thought. I have to hand it to him He was handsome. I stared at him from the top of the stairs. "I knew you'd be here. his raspy voice startled me. I soon walked downstairs quietly. "Ella had told me you'd be hiding here somewhere. he added. "who's Ella?,. I asked. he laughed loudly. I immediately shushed at him.

"they can't hear me or you. he said.

Before I could repeat my question he explained who is Ella. "Ella is what made you who you are today,Ella is not your mother but she is the mother of magic and power.

"how did you get that wound? I asked. his face paled."I-i can't tell you. "why? i replied. "because i can't. his voice got louder. he gave me an apologetic look."I'm Harry.he held his hand out. "i know who you are. He cut my thoughts off.

Questions were flying around my head like butterflies. How does he know me? is this ella girl sending him to look for me? Whats going on? Am I In Danger??? I thought. "you sure ask alot of questions. He chuckled. His face turned serious "You are in danger. he said clearly. How am i going to defend myself? i thought to myself. "You can defend yourself you know.
his voice cut into my head. "You have powers. "Wait!,. I called to him as he opened a portal with only his fingertips. "We'll meet again soon...When your ready. "ready for what?!!! i shouted through the wind coming from the portal.
he spun around and took off a necklace attached to his neck. he put it around my neck and left me with only four words, "This will help you. And with that he left me to figure out the rest of the puzzle.I left to my room.

I observed the necklace in my hands it had a wooden surface shaped into a heart on the outside covered with two words carved on it. I'm Sorry. I opened the small latch on the heart shaped necklace to see a picture of a man, a woman, and a baby in between them on one side,and the baby only it had grown into a toddler on the other side. the baby and toddler looked familiar also the man and woman. "your mother and father. a femmine voice startled me yet comforted me. "Who are you? i looked up at the woman. "I'm Ella,. she said....

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