Chapter 3: Eyes within the Demon

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"Tyler Oakley has plots, Plots to make the world we live in full of Dangerous Magic. Harry's face had sent me a worried expression.

"Rebecca, if you leave now he won't find you. His face hardened by the second. "I promise you, you won't be alone. he added. "I'll think on it. I replied to him. and with that he hopped into a portal and left me thinking on whether I should run away to the magic dimension or not.

"Rebecca!!!,. My Foster Dad called. I ran downstairs to see an angry looking father standing in the kitchen. "What did I say about talking to strangers! he scolded me. He slapped me hard on the face, I shrieked in pain. "Stay away from him, He's nothing but a liar. he scolded again. He scolded some more at me until I screamed. "My Parents aren't dead you pathetic liar! soon he pulled something out of his pocket. "A Knife. I thought in my head.

My foster Dad's eyes were completely black. "Don't make me use this. He threatened. "Now do as I say and go up to your room. he pointed the knife closer. I ran to my room and locked up the room. I heard screaming. "Jack you let her make her own decisions she's 15 now. My Foster mom yelled at my Foster Dad calling him by his first name. "ENOUGH!!!,. he soon started breaking her plates while My foster mom sobbed loudly.

"Honey?, My foster mom knocked. I unlocked the door revealing her brown silky hair, her brown hazel eyes, and her short fragile skinny body. tears threatening to spill as i politely let her in. "Honey do you want to run away with Harry? She asked softly. I nodded and said, "For my Parents and Harry's. She looked confused until i pulled out the necklace and explained everything Harry had said to me about my quest and his parents. She nodded understandingly. " I heard the conversation about running away to find your parents and i had booked you tickets to New York.

"When's it leaving? I asked. She replied,"12am Midnight is the latest i found. She handed me a suitcase full of my clothes and things I'd need. I hugged her tight and asked, "What about you? She explained that her part was to stay with Jack,my "Foster Dad",.she handed me a credit card. I hugged her tight and thanked her for her understanding part as a Foster mother. Soon the Locks of the door Broke open To show a man. Not Just any man but the one and only guy who probably knows everything about my parents, Tyler Oakley...

My foster mother had told me to run but my legs didn't dare move. I was waiting for this. I walked over to him with a scowl on my face as he smirked at me. "I guess you're looking for answers,. I nodded soon I followed him into the Portal leaving My belongings and my Foster mother behind.

After a few seconds of being in the portal I jerked my hand away from Tyler. Leaving him scowling at me. He soon led me into a building full of people. He dragged me through the crowd of flashing cameras. "Tyler are the Black Willow and you Mad at each other. one man said.

"Tyler,Tyler! a woman raised her voice. "Are the rumors true your going to Kill Rebbeca Black. "NO! Tyler broke the noisiness. He snapped his Fingers and all The cameras had shattered at once. Tyler Walked along pulling me with him. As soon as we were in the elevator Tyler had asked, "Did you think I was looking to kill you? I nodded. His face saddened. "I thought that because I had a dream about you attempting to take my powers and kill me. I had said. His Face turned to me and the elevator opened.

He grabbed my wrist and rushed to open one of the golden yellow doors. Once he had snapped hi finger the door opened to reveal a very tidy Office. he soon pulled a machine out. "I'm not here to kill you I'm here to Help you. he explained. I let out a sigh of relief. He plugged in a shot to my arm, as it stinged my arm my head soon started to spin due to the dizzyness the shot had given me.

Tyler saw the clip about her dream. meanwhile Rebecca had passed out. Tyler used his eyes to scan who had controlled that dream (part of Tyler's powers) He scanned to find Out that it had came from the Black Willow Tyler had Gasped he couldn't belive who had done it...

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