Chapter 7

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It was too cold of a morning, Jennie thought, as she got out of the company car and join the production crew of their new program. It feels like a proper production with the number of people already busy with their tasks.

She wanted to cover her whole face with the scarf she brought, but she remembered her president telling her "you don't want to be seen as the head bitch in charge in every episode, do you?"

After the so-called disaster she caused during the anniversary special of that one show, Jennie got more advice to keep it low for now than she would like. So she heads for the day and greets everyone with her cheeky face and polite smile, nevermind if she'd freeze to death after the first take.

She wanted to do well, wanted to turned events which happened the past weeks into something truly unforgettable. And she knows having harmonious relationship with  your colleagues is a guaranteed factor in achieving her goals.

She even went so far as greet Jisoo first when she saw the actress entering one of the tents during the break.

"Hey, Jisoo?" the actress was sitting on couch, her clothes for the first day too thin for the cold climate.

"Oh, good morning Jennie."

"You look like you're cold, can we get you something?" she gestured one of the younger staff bring them anything for the cold.

"No, no that's fine. Ten minutes it's not that long of a break anyway."

Jennie sits on the other end of the couch and starts to inquire her, "So how you like it so far?"

The actress looks at her, surprise evident on her face, carefully studying the rapper who just showed sudden interest. "Look Jennie you don't have to pretend too much, it's okay to bitch me around."

Jisoo stands up and checks if there's people near the tent. 

"The entire country knows what I promised you..." Jisoo shakes her head remembering the week-old memory. "And I intend to follow through on that promise."

"You're too paranoid Kim, are your seriously that afraid of me?"

Jennie knew in their first hours of shooting she did not do anything wrong.

Well.. not yet.

It was too short for anything really. They were just introduced and greeted and the crew brief them on the the needed things to do. As if they haven't been doing that in the past couple of days.

Jisoo had to agree with the other girl, she shook her had as if admitting that no, Jennie has not done anything to her, but instead of actually voicing that out, what the older said was,"It's too early, but I know you, Kim... I know you have prepared for this."

"If there is one thing the public knows about you, its that you plan ahead. Everyone knows how much of a control-freak you are."

Jennie laughs at that, "Well if you say so..." 

Jisoo hesitated for a while, but then look at her with determined eyes. "I am ready myself too, I mean...for anything you planned to do."

Is she now? 

For some reason she found herself walking near Jisoo to her, when they were face to face, the memory of their second encounter flash through her brain. How Jinyoung leaned uncomfortably close next to her, his lips almost touching Jisoo's ear.

Jennie leans into the actress like so, and whispered, "Well would you like me to start now?"

Before Jisoo can say anything, the staff started calling everyone out for the next take.

As the two of them walk towards the others, Jennie cannot help but find their little conversation weird. It did not occur to her that regardless of obvious caution in Jisoo's part, something in her voice makes Jennie feels like she's being challenged, and she's up for it.

"AHH! That's hot!" Jennie exclaims as she brings the spoon to her lips.

Jennie with her teammates Mino, Lucas and Seulgi are tasked to prepare meal for the entire group. See the concept of their show is put all these bunch of people together for a few days and let them do weird activities and challenges. There are winners who will receive prizes and losers who will receive punishment the next day.

It was all nice and easy Jennie thought, except, her team seriously sucks at cooking!

Those who cannot cook band themselves together and those who can were stuck in doing the most of the job. Too bad for Jennie, among the four of them she is the only one with decent skills, and she even had a hard time believing that even her friend Mino is joining Lucas and Seulgi on doing absolutely nothing. 

"Jen I don't like onions. It makes me cry."

"Yeah I dont know if I can help.. only Irene unnie can cook in our group really."

"I just exercise a lot."

Which has now resulted in this catastrophe of her doing almost everything and she's running out of time and her tongue really hurts from that burn. 

She heard the door of their new house open, the four other cast looking disheveled from all the outdoor activities they did, their staff following them behind. 

"Why are you inside? You're suppose to be cleaning." Lucas told his friend Mark. 

"Dude, we're done with that."

"You're finished early? We're not done with the food yet!"

The staff we're all filming them now, and it alerted the other three that they have to do something and help Jennie. 

Jennie was panicking already and she told the three what to do with the rest of the ingredients. Regardless of the genuine urge to contribute something too, it really became clear that none of the three's effort would bring that much into their food.

"Would you like me to help?" a sudden voice asked.

Jisoo was beside Jennie then, putting away things she does not need anymore. Then she was handling her the rest of the things to cook.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm helping you out."


"You look pathetic, Jennie. It doesn't suit you."

"I fucking hate you."

And she does, she hates Jisoo right this instant she decided. She hates her help. She hates how she can feel her everywhere.

She hates how she remembered that this is probably what Jisoo meant when she said she came prepared too. Jennie wanted to beat her, in this stupid game they're playing. On reading each other's minds, on anticipating the opponent's next move, hell even on this food they have prepared together she wanted to have the better plate. 

"Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this but you two apparently make a great team." the producer said to which the others quickly agreed.

Jennie wants to wipe that smile off that appeared on Jisoo's face after hearing that.

Because that is not how this is suppose to happen. One minute she was set for failure on the first task given to them, now everyone is enjoying and complimenting the food she had prepared, and it was because Kim Jisoo made it happen.

Even though she does not want to admit it, it made Jennie re-think too. That maybe, just maybe the girl is telling the truth.

That Jisoo really came here prepared, not to compete, but to apologize to her. That Jisoo is actually willing to do anything for Jennie's forgiveness.

And it made her feel warm.


As if there's a fuzz that shoots electric shocks inside her. Just enough, she thought, that it almost felt like being alive, it almost felt like being happy once again.


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