Chapter 5

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Tony walks in the cafe to see it empty of costumers but his best and only friends -Clint and Natasha- are sitting on the counter chatting about Natasha's english teacher.

"Hey guys! I didn't expect you both here"

"Ooo hello Tony"says Nat smirking knowingly.

"Okay what happened? What do you know? Why are you smiling like that? Clint! Why is she smiling like that?"

Natasha is the scariest person Tony's ever met. She's beautiful with her curly red hair and her green eyes but deadly. She notices everything and you can never know what she's thinking because of her perfect poker face. Clint notices a lot as well but he's not that scary simply due to his annoying habit of joking about everything.

"Don't look at me man I've no idea what she's thinking... Maybe it's because of the hot blondy that was talking to you..." Clint starts and then at Tony's look he adds "Huh! You're redder than a tomato! Who's he? He looked kinda familiar. "

"I... ugh... I...ehh...he..." Tony started only to be interrupted by Natasha. "Come on Clint you really didn't recognized him? "

"Why should I? "

"I don't know. Tony why don't you tell us? "

"Shit Nat! Of course you know why don't you just spare me for once?"

"Oh darling...never! "

" Come on guys just tell meeee! " Clint cries out desperately.

"Fine" Tony gives in " He was Steve Rogers. You know famous billionaire CEO of Rogers industries."

"Wow Tony! You got yourself a sugar daddy! "

"Shut up you dumbass I've only met the guy twice"

"Okay you both stop it! And Tony tell us about him. When? How? I want every single detail!"

"Alright. I first met him about two weeks ago that night neither of you could come and I was by myself. Long story short he came in with an other man I guess for business. He was so rude. Anyway after my shift ended I was locking the door when he came back to look for his keys he didn't find them it was late so I invited him to spend the night in my place. "

"Omg and you didn't say anything!"
"Tonyyy" Both Clint and Natasha were amazed.

The redhead gets over the sock first and asks "okay and the second time was today? What happened? "

"I was in the workshop and his car broke down across the street so he came to ask someone to look at it and found me. "

"Yes but the workshop isn't across the street what did he want here? "

"Well... After I fixed the car he kinda asked me for lunch and... "

"Ha! So you did  got yourself a sugar daddy!"

"Clint! It's not like that I barely know him and I'm sure as hell he did it of pity. I mean he saw where I live and... "

"Tony stop it! The only one who pities you is yourself. I'm pretty sure he admires you. If not he's just an asshole. Sweety you're so strong. " Natasha smiles affectionately.

"So are you seeing him again or what? "the other boy asks.

" I don't know things were tensed when we parted. I hope to... " the teen sighs. "Oh I have a costumer. " And like that Tony goes to take the woman's order and the topic changes.


Steve walks quietly back to his car and drives to his office. He walk in only to find his best friend Bucky sitting on his desk  his legs swaying back and forth lazily.

"So you found your way huh? What happened? Punk you were supposed to be here an hour an' a half ago!"

"My car broke down" Steve simply answers but it's obvious there's something else and the blond knows the brunet isn't gonna let it pass.

"And?" Bucky asks the inevitable.

"This guy worked in the know the one who let me spend the night in his apartment that day... "

"Oh Stevie's got a crush! "

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do!"

"Shut it Buck! I don't even know him and he's underage. "

"So you admit you do have a crush! "

"Well maybe I don't know! Anyway I took him for lunch and I messed up he probably doesn't want to see me again. "

"Oh Stevie you made a mistake I'm sure he can give you a second chance. "

"It's not only that. If he's smart enough - and he is- he wouldn't want nothing to do with me. I was so rude to him the first time we met and now this... "

"I'll tell you what. You're going by his work place again next week and try to make things right and for God's sake you find out if he's interested. Don't worry man it will be alright."

"Okay I'll try and we'll find out I guess... "

So I surprised myself by updating. I really don't know how I found the time to write an other chapter. I hope you like it!

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