pain part 2 by ©otengselekwe

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Why in life do we people lead by example, because we can't all live a reckless life,  people who pretend to live a wreckless life. Our going  through pain,stress ,regret and avoid  people for their whole life.
Just because you weren't raised in a sliver spoon doesn't mean you can't make it ,it means you were chosen because you are strong enough to go through it .
Everday I wake up ,I open the windows and let the fresh air in to refresh my mind ,I fix my bed to prepare for the day,I get a cup of water because my our brains  are made out 80% water,I meditate to rephrase what I did wrong and next I pray to God for a better life and thank him for giving me life.than I exercise follow this steps everday (morning routine) you will see a huge difference in just couple of days (4/10) .It helps relieve pain,stress,and is healthy for our minds and body .
Okay now you are a good person don't blame yourself for not getting your crush or love of your live ,just  move on or try to make things work if they don't work than ,pray or go on with your life.
Don't cry because you might not know that person is not worth it .
Forgive them as Christ did ,
people often say life is  a gift but at the same time, life is a curse......
as long as you live a wreckless life  it's still a curse because you don't  succed in life from the temptation that occur in life.sometimes caused  by anger,pain,or acting tough  unnecessary,substance abuse ,fighting against people for no good reason ...
Stop that old wreckless life that you  used to should leave it  and focus on the future or start fixing your mistakes,cause people learn from their mistakes .
In life you have to learn to think twice before you do something,
because you don't want to repeat the same mistake or live in regret .
no one wants to live in regret their whole life ,so just because of one mistake you made in the past,you feel like giving up stand up and walk strong.

Whether from an impoverished or rich background. everyone makes or made mistake in the  life,
but that doesn't make you a bad person as long as it is not a crime to someone.
the word pain can be referred to many bad factors in life but the word live.
Can be spelt in backwards (Live-evil)
so we must be careful of what we want  to do in life or who we want to be in life. "what you are defines you not who you are" (someone once said that but I am not sure who it is right it down on the comments.
" We are human beings every decision affects our lifestyle" . ©otengselekwe
once said that .
please note :This book was written by a teenage,this book was not proof read by a professional reader,plagiarism may not be checked,spellings and punctuations are not re checked but I will keep editing every week to insure people read my book smoothly.
may the Lord Jesus Christ help you to succeed in life Amen.
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