pain part 4 by ©otengselekwe

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The most important thing in life is that pain never really fades away from your mind,your dreams will always be true because they can reflect what you did in the past  or what happened to you.
So don't stress too much about the past life  you used live ,some people say forgive and forget but I say that you can forgive a person but never forget because once you do they are going to take  advantage of you, repeating the same mistake again and again  he/she will make you a foul ,example its like if you  get scammed are you just going to say okay I forgive you and lets move on.
So are you just going to forget  about what happened to you ,
Forgive  everyone in this planet who did you wrong and move on ,
So like everyone in this life has the own perfect match ,for being two love birds or friends, God gave us knowledge for a good reason it says in the Bible "he he who seeks knowledge should ask from God and shouldn't show off ,that you a better than others," (dont be boastful)
because every person is unique in their own way some are born to be  doctors,scientist,farmers,accountants,etc the list just keeps on and on but in that  list no one is born as a thief, not even once but yet people decide to be thiefs.
example  as friend's you ysed to say we want to be doctors when we grow up we all studied as doctors. But every doctor has their own  particular way of curing  people.just as Eveyone is unique.
So we should all understand we are different.keep going

How life goes By OTENG SELEKWE O.Where stories live. Discover now