Chapter 13: Going Insane

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I opened my eyes to sunlight. I looked at the clock. It was noon. Crap. I overslept. Why didn't Harry wake me up? They headed to the venue to set up two hours ago!

I got out of bed and turned on the lamp. There was a sticky note on it. It read, "Morning beautiful. You looked too comfortable so I decided to let you sleep in. Call me when you get this."

This made me smile. Harry was a sweetheart. It wasn't fair that I had so many problems and had to focus on myself first. I wanted to date him. I really did but I couldn't right now.

"You're not good enough for him," I heard from behind me.

I turned around. There stood the girl from the signing. "You're too fat and too much work for him," she told me.

"How did you get in here?" I asked, shocked. "And he cares about me and is willing to put forth the effort," I fought.

"He's just acting like that for publicity. He's tired of being known as the man whore of the band," the girl opposed.

I closed my eyes and muttered, "Please just leave me alone." I opened my eyes and she was gone. I don't know where she went but she was gone and that's all that mattered. I fell to the floor and broke down immediately.

Tears were streaming down my face and I didn't even think about it. I just reached behind me to the desk and grabbed the first sharp object I could find. A safety pin. I drove it into my left arm and dragged it across, leaving a deep gash.

One line. I'm a fuck up.

Two lines. I'm ugly.

Three lines. Nobody loves me.

Four lines. Not even Harry.

Five lines. Why don't I just kill myself already?

I was about to cut a sixth line into my arm but then Harry walked in. There was blood everywhere. Five deep cuts on my arm were gushing blood. My eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears. I was a wreck. I've never been this bad before. I've never cut this deep. I've never cut more than three lines at once.

Harry ran over to me and fell to his knees right in front of me. He grabbed the safety pin from me and put it on the desk.

"You're too much for him," the girl was back. Where did she come from this time? Did she come in behind Harry?

I curled up into fetal position and started rocking back and forth. "Go away! Leave me alone!" I screamed.

"I'm here to help you Megan!" Harry said confused.

"Not you! Her!" I said pointing in her direction.

Harry followed my finger and then slowly turned back to face me. "There's no one there," Harry replied, worried.

"Yes there is. It's the girl from the signing. She keeps telling me that I'm not good enough for you," I cried.

"I only speak the truth," she said.

"STOP IT! GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY!" I screamed. I had my head between my legs and was sobbing. I finally looked up and looked around the room and she was gone again. "Thank God," I whispered.

Harry looked at me with worry. "Megan," he muttered, "What happened? I left you alone for two hours. We just came back for lunch and thank God that we did or you would've done a lot worse than this."

"She came out of nowhere! I was in a really good mood actually but then she just popped up behind me and started telling me that I wasn't good enough for you! How did she even get in here? And where did she go? Wait, why did you say that there was no one there? There obviously was."

For You I'll Be Superhuman (A Harry Styles/One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now