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< Wednesday >

We did not think that lockdown was going to be that bad. We were wrong.

Teachers have decided that since we will have all this time on our hands, they will give us more stuff to do. The past three school days, I've been up at 7 and doing work until after midnight.

Ashton's been upset about it all too. Their new album is due to drop on Friday and now they have to figure out what to do.

We've hardly spent time together. He's doing his thing and I'm doing mine. The only time is when he comes upstairs to eat. He'll usually sit down with me and watch what I'm doing.

"Why don't you take a break today. I'm taking off today. We can just hang out. Maybe call Calum and Grace?" Ashton walked up behind me, leaning over my shoulders, letting his head rest against mine, "And tonight, we will order in, call your parents like they asked, and watch a movie".

"Ash, I have schoolwork" I whined,

"I'll help you finish it tomorrow" he told me then shut my laptop and closed up my notebooks and textbooks.

"I have a class at 3 that I have to be on" I frowned.

"Then you go to that class but that's it"

He tugged my hand and pulled me from my seat. My arms snaked around his torso as he rested his over my shoulders,

"I heard the UV is killer today if you want to lay out back" Ashton spoke. I looked up, my chin resting on his chest, and smiled,

"Let's go change".

I quickly changed into my black bikini and grabbed my sunglasses. Ashton had thrown on some shorts but got a call from Luke, so I walked outside without him.

I laid out on the lawn chair and closed my eyes. Suddenly my body was pushed over and Ashton was sitting right next to me.

"You know with you laying here, only one side of each of our bodies will tan" I laughed but turned to rest my head on his chest.

"Well now I'm gonna have a circle not tanned because of your head" he joked.

The two of us ended up falling asleep, only waking up when Ashton's phone buzzed in his lap. He shot up and I removed my head and sat up. He lifted his phone and I smiled when I saw Calum's name on the screen.

"Hellloooo" Calum beamed as his face popped up. In the back you could hear Grace telling Calum to let her see the phone. Calum finally let her in the frame as they propped the phone up. Ashton held his out so we were in the frame. 

"What's up guys?" Ashton grinned.

"Grace just made me do this crazy workout. I'm legit dying" Calum complained.

"Maybe if you were a little more in shape and didn't complain the entire time you'd be okay" she smirked back and gave me a wink. Calum pouted but stopped when Grace kissed his cheek,

"What are you guys doing?" Calum questioned,

"We're tanning" Ashton beamed, "but we kinda fell asleep" he then giggled. His giggle makes my heart skip a little beat.

"That's what we need to do, or I need to do. Calum's pretty tanned already" Grace laughed.

We talked for another twenty minutes or so, Grace and I talking about how horrible online classes are while the boys just joke back and forth, some coming out dirtier than the others.

After hanging up, Ashton and I headed inside. We ate a quick lunch and then took a shower together before settling on the couch. Ashton laid down behind me and pulled me back into him. I grabbed the remote, and after having a rock paper scissors game, we decided to watch Outer Banks instead of Tiger King.

"You know I have class in like an hour and a half" I turned my head slightly.

"Well for now you don't. So sit here and pretend like you love me and watch the show" Ashton smirked.

I was relaxed. Ashton's arm was over my side and our hands intertwined on my stomach. His breathing was steady against my neck and I could feel his heart beating on my back.


When our episode ended, it was almost time for my math class. I dragged myself off the couch and into the kitchen where my stuff was. After getting set up, I joined my class and we started note taking. Ashton had walked outside to tend to his "garden" so he didn't bother me.

The entire class, I had to sit there and try not to puke as Leslie coughed, sneezed, and made gargling noises in the microphone.

I was very grateful when that class ended.

I walked outside and found Ashton still knelt down in front of his garden. I walked up behind him and flopped my body over his back, my arms around his neck, earning a chuckle.

"I'm guessing class is over" he stayed still.

"It is" I answered, "You're gonna have to take another shower. You're all sweaty now" I joked.

"I will" he stood up, but I held on so I was still on his back.

"You're a child" he joked and walked into the house,

"That's what you get for dating someone 4, almost 5, years younger than you" I smirked and hopped down onto my feet.


Ashton hurried to take a shower, knowing I wouldn't cuddle him until he did. Nothing like two showers a day. While he showered, I ordered us pizza, since that's what we had decided on.

Ashton soon came walking down the hallway, his gray sweats hanging low on his hips, and his green Henley shirt fitting perfectly. I got up from my spot and headed past him to his room to change.

I tossed on my gray cotton sleep shorts and one of Ashton's hoodies and headed back to him. He was sitting on the couch, the pizza box on the coffee table with two beers and two glasses of water.

"Want to watch a show then after we call your parents we can watch a movie?" He asked as I sat next to him. I agreed and as we ate we watched Tiger King since we watched Outer Banks earlier.

When Ashton went to toss the pizza box and empty beer bottles away, my phone started ringing with an incoming FaceTime from my parents.

"Mom! Dad!" I grinned as they popped up. I set my phone up on some books so I didn't have to hold it.

"Hi honey" my dad waved, "Where's Ashton?" He asked right as Ashton plopped back down.

"Hi" he waved, throwing his arm over my shoulder, my body instantly relaxing, "How are you all?" He politely asked.

"We're good. How are you all doing? You guys are locked down" my mom worried.

"We're fine. It's a little weird" I laughed, "Are Kyle, Cassie, and Ally home?" I asked.

"Kyle's at Madison's. Cassie is at her boyfriends, who we didn't even know existed, and Ally is here" mom laughed, "And speaking of boyfriends, the cruise got cancelled. We're trying to reschedule. So Ashton, if you could send us your schedule so we can make sure you can come" my mom talked.

"Aww thank you. I'll send it your way. I was excited to finally meet you guys" Ashton beamed.

"We were excited to meet you, especially since my daughter's living with you now" my dad laughed, "She's not driving you crazy yet is she?" Dad decided to joke.

"Not yet but it's getting there" Ashton joked right back. I frowned but Ashton kissed the side of my head.


We ended up talking to my parents for a couple hours before hanging up.

Ashton and I got comfortable and turned on Twilight. Ashton was laying on his back with me between his legs and my head up on his chest. He pulled a blanket over us and kissed my head a few times. My eyes were heavy and my grip on Ashton's hand loosened.

Suddenly, I was moved then picked up. I tried opening my eyes but gave up and just let me head lean on Ashton's shoulder. My back hit the soft mattress and Ashton's body climbed over me and settled behind me.

"Goodnight love"

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