Chapter 1; School...Yay.

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Hey uh, is this mic on?  *coughs*  Sorry. I'm Kavier Galberth, a light brown teen that is the size of a fun-size oreo. I am one punch- wait that's stealing, oh well. I'll take this, with pride. When I was 13, my twin (Xavier) and I watch an anime called "One punch man", that inspired us to become strong like him. Xavier was afraid to do the challenge, but I was so inspired to not care for the consequences.

My journey was hell, I pass out, threw up, and had crumps, but I didn't give up. My family tries to stop me, even the doctors and nurses, I was stubborn and didn't bother. Three years later, my training got easier, some parts of my hair fell out, I got fuzz hair now. Most of all I was extremely calm, no matter what situation. My strength and speed were superhuman, but I'm not sure, I'm like him.

17, my parents and brothers were surprised at who I've become, I even save a kid before he was hit by a car, but seriously when will the bad guy, come? Months later I was sucked into a random portal and out to Japan, but not my Japan, even if I live in North Carolina this world was similar but different. Most Japanese was happy and interested in a foreigner as well as his brown skin, but others not so much. While I was there my hero senses were alarming me and I did what Saitama did best. People admired me and gave me a house free of charge, my neighbor Ms. Miko, put me in a private school named Kuoh academy, that name is at the tip of my tongue, oh well, I give up.

-Kavier House -

On a bed, a light brown fuzz hair boy sleeps peacefully until.


He smashes his clock through his wooden tiles floor. He sits up and rubs his baggy eyes. 

Kavier; I swear Ms

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Kavier; I swear Ms.Miko, why can't I have my sleep?

The door to his room opens, revealing a blond mid-age woman. 


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Ms.Miko; Hey, Kavier get up you got, school.  She closes the door as Kavier signs.

Kavier; Ok. He gets up to do his daily routine, cold-shower, brush teeth, and eat breakfast.

Oh, your wondering about Ms.Miko, are you? Well, she treats Kavier like a son to her since he told her the truth about his family not involving the portal. After that, she breaks into Kavier house every day to replace an alarm clock, cook breakfast, and called a carpenter to fix the floor. Kavier doesn't even bother anymore.

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