after the class

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Jimin's pov huhu~~
Hmm... Why that guy stays in my mind? Oww is that him wutt “I saw him fighting to other guy in the park but why” I came there but I didn't went to them I don't wanna fight, then the boy run away with bruises is his face and his nose is bleeding,  and jungkook look really angry I didn't know that he's a bad boy but.. Oww then he walk away and holding his arm I think he's injured, I'm gonna go to him... But no he's a bad boy... But it's okay. Then I went to him “jungkook are you okay? “then what did I look like with a bruises and my arm hurt did I look okay? “umm no?” “hmm you little” “I said don't call me-” “I'll do what I want or I'll punch you” “no, no, no sorry, so are you going home?” “I don't want to” “but why” “I said I don't want to” “uh-” hmm if he didn't go home... I have an idea “uhh jungkook you can go with me in my house to clean your bruises and-” I stop speaking as he hold my mouth “you little kiddo, to much speeches okay I'll go with you cuz I think you will cry baby if I didn't go with you hahah” “uhh n-” I cut my words cuz I think he will punch me now... Then we went in

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